• i'm with the band,  product

    band business cards & bcause i said so shirts

    Some more recent "shoots"- for some of my favorite business clients/friends.

    My friends Denise and Lauren run their own kids clothing company, which you can visit at www.bcauseisaidso.com. They have great and adorable stuff. Here's their newest addition…loved.



    And I made some fun business cards for "my" band, The Turn. After we discussed the fact that they had pictures on their site that I did not take and they told me that the woman who took them "meant nothing to us" and that they "were thinking about me the whole time" we made up and I made them some cool cards.

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    Turncardbackbrian copy  Patcardfront copy  Patcardback webcopy  

    A friend asked if I'm a groupie. And I decided that since I'm a paid photographer for the band (gotta get that exclusive contract worked out before they hit it big!) that I technically cannot be a groupie. I just watch them play when I'm not working for them for work purposes…ya know, to see the best angles, where in the song the best picture would be…RESEARCH! Yeah, that's it. Research!! They are awesome and I'm glad we are friends!

  • personal

    snow day.

    Not a whole one where they were off from school or anything. But an unexpected snow day. They said just rain or freezing rain (which is what it started out as) but it quickly turned to big fat fluffy snowflakes that stuck. We ran home from school, located all the boots, hats and gloves (which was no small feat since most of that stuff was still in storage in the basement), geared up and went out.

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    I need to mention that the coats the boys are wearing are now fondly referred to as the "donut coat" as Jack said he hates it cause it's puffy and makes him feel like a giant donut. Gotta love that kid!


    Uncle Nelson had the day off today so he stopped by and was quickly ambushed and brought right into the snowball fight fray. Timmy nailed him pretty good, as did the boys. I had the good "you can't throw snowballs at me cause I have the reeeeeeealy expensive camera" defense. However, Timmy caught me right in the chest with snow dripping down the inside of my shirt at school pickup. I had no camera then and no excuse. Sneak!!

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    After being outside for a while (why is it that it always takes longer to get dressed and undressed in all that snow crap than it does to actually play outside??) we came in and Uncle Nelson made us all some DEEEELICIOUS hot chocolate. He beat mine terribly– but being a chef and all, his should be better. Yum.

  • bsquared business

    bsquared photography:2009

    I'm happy to announce my bsquared photography pricing and packages for 2009. I am also opening the calendar for shoots from January-March. If you have a communion or other party coming up that you'd like to book now (that is not between Jan-Mar), please contact me at bbeyrer1@optonline.net and we can get you on the calendar to save your date.

    All the below information will also be listed on the left side of the blog under pages "pricing & packages 2009" permanently.

    Looking forward to another great year with all of my fabulous clients, and hoping to add some new clients this year too!

    The packages available:

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    And the policies. The major change is that I will be requiring a $100 non-refundable deposit ($175 for parties, $75 for mini sessions) in order to confirm your date/time. While the deposit is not refundable, it is 100% transferable to another shoot date/time for your family. The other change is the fee for the additional rounds of edits after the first included round.

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    Hope to hear from you soon!

  • personal

    it’s beginning to look a lot like christmas…

    I know you are singing the song in your head now too. Sorry!

    I can finally post a few pictures from us. Like I said, I know you are going to be so sick of seeing us now that 'shoot season' is wrapping up. I'll still have some client images thrown in here and there, but it'll mostly be us for a little while.

    I had a shoot in NYC a few weekends ago for a 2 year old birthday party, and walked my way down from 68th and Columbus toward the tree at 50th and 5th. I thought since I was alone it would be a perfect time to take some pictures of city christmas stuff without the boys getting bored/annoyed. When I reached Radio City, it was a WALL of people. That kinda thing generally dosen't bother me but when it got to the point that I couldn't even walk with my bag on my hip (I had to hold it in front of me in order to squeeze by in the crowd) that was IT! So I didn't make it to the tree, grabbed the first cab I could find (yeah, that took a while too) and jetted back to Penn for the train ride home.

    A few of the shots… (from top: giant christmas ornaments from 50th and 6th, Columbus from Columbus Circle, Radio City, lights from shops at Columbus Circle, Liza from Times Square (taken from inside taxi), and Lincoln Center (under construction but still pretty windows))


    I just have to mention that this weekend was the first weekend since August that I haven't worked! (except for Columbus Day weekend in October when we went out east).  I don't think I have EVER worked this hard in all my life. But I am truly loving every minute. Even the minutes at 3am! John was good to me and let me sleep both Saturday and Sunday mornings- till 11:30am Saturday and 12pm Sunday. Think I needed it. But I'm still so tired!!

  • children & families

    the zawa girls

    Since I'm not ending with my last shoot (the one I posted a few days ago- the gupt family), it's just as fitting to end 2008's shoots with this family as these beautiful girls were my last shoot in 2007. So full circle.

    And there will still be plenty of pictures up on the blog until Christmas. I have so much of my own stuff to post (oh, you are going to be so sick of my boys!) and I still have a Christening and a 2nd birthday party to edit which may or may not be posted prior to Christmas. The parents of the children in those shoots were very good to me and said that I could wait to edit and post until after the holidays. We'll see what happens. I still haven't done any christmas shopping so I am planning on spending some time doing that.

    Back to the zawa girls…is it even possible that they became MORE gorgeous since last year? They are both still swimming competitively and doing really well. Love that long hair and sparkly eyes. Even though it was so cold out we did jump outside for a few- so worth it to get some pretty light. Mom (another gorgeous one, but I couldn't convince her to get in any pictures this year) said that we are doing a shoot earlier next year and at the beach. I'm looking forward to it already…

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