the eisn family
Went to Brooklyn on a freezing, dreary day to photograph this family. Little Miss A has her whole family (grandparents included) wrapped around her little finger and it's so easy to see why. She is delish and adorable and squeezable. I got a hug and kiss (unsolicited I might add) within the first 10 minutes of being there and another big one on the way out. Miss A wasn't much for doing anything that wasn't her idea, so we had to work fast and around wherever she was or what she was doing. Managed to get some sweet ones- really, how could you not? She was so smart, naming colors (love that orange is really called "pumpkin") and even started calling me by name. A-dorable!!
the gupt family
In all honesty, I have to admit that I REALLY wanted to save this family to blog as my last shoot of 2008. Especially since they WERE my last family for 08. And because they have such a special story with a little 'christmas miracle' type ending. But mom is freaking out that she won't have enough time for getting her cards out, I had to jump ahead and post them tonight. See, C…anything for you!
I have a real big spot in my heart for this family. I met mom when she took my scrapbook class way back when and got to photograph this incredibly blessed and happy family when the baby was first born and then again at her christening. They have the best story. In short, they had a surrogate carrier "cook up" their little one, so this baby is an extra special miracle! (*waving: hi to you firedept mom). There is no limit to how much she was wanted.
So here she is in all her christmas finery along with mom & dad who love her to bits. And grandma & grandpa even took the day off work to be at the photoshoot as well. Can't you just tell how much she's loved? Nevermind the fact that she's gorgeous. Love those huge eyes!
the obri kids and the conn family
A little shout-out to my blog-stalkers Heather and Sara! Hi girls! So great to see you today, but unfortunately under not so nice circumstances. How about this Saturday night at 10pm @ Gabrielle's in RVC to hear "my" band and have a few drinks. As if I didn't get into enough trouble there this weekend!
And if you could all spare a little love and good thoughts or prayers for my friend Julianne. She just lost her dad this week. She's a fantastic person and although we are 'new friends' I really just love her. You can see how much she loved her dad and he seemed like a great guy from what she told me about him today. So please send a little love her way- she could really use it.
Some photos from my last weekend of shooting in 2008. Almost there…
First, the obri kids. A dreary morning outside but lots of fun and sun inside. A-dorable!! kids. The older girl was all into the shoot (for the most part and for a while) while the poor little boy had a cold and was not particularly happy about the whole thing. We got a few before he melted down to the point of no return. And then they were both DONE and the shoot was over. Hope you like the pictures, mom. I think we definitely got some keepers for the card!
Next, the conn family. You might recognize them from the wedding back in September as the dad is the bride's sister. Mom was way pregnant at the wedding, and they now have a happy new addition to their beautiful family. The big kids were so great with the baby and held him so well for the pictures. Of course, I had my usual crazy ideas- but mom & dad even got in on the act, asking to use the elephant table/bench which was a family heirloom. Love that! The kids were great and we all (i think) had a great time.
And I love my natural light…oh, how I've missed that. It's just so pretty!!
snapshots of a FUN night out
*[disclaimer]: all photos following below were taken with the point n shoot, usually with me holding out the camera in front of me. i was having a photo-free night, but i couldn't give it up completely. and i wasn't dragging out the big guns for the bar.
A girl's gotta have a break every now and then. So we went out last night to see Brian (and Pat too who I thought wasn't going to be there- but that was a nice surpise) play at Gabrielle's in town. John and I went over with Sharon and then Mary Ellen and Kenny met us. We also ran into George & Tricia and Jim & Sue who were having dinner there.
There was quite a bit of drinking (even by me!) and a lot of good music (by brian and pat). Brian's family was there as well. It's so nice that they always come to see them play. We all had a great time and didn't leave til after 1am.
On the ride home John decided that it was time to blast N.W.A in the car (his taste in music is not really mine) and then proceeded to open the sunroof. There was about 2 inches of snow on the car and it all came falling in. Somehow a HUGE snowball fight insued INSIDE the car. Mare and Sharon got me so good (I was drenched and freezing with huge chunks of snow falling down the back and front of my shirt, in my eyes, all over my hair) but I got in a few good hits too! We were all laughing so hard we couldn't breathe. And everyone who started the night all pretty, was far from pretty after the vehicular snowball mele.
We dropped off Kenny and Mary Ellen who then proceeded to dance on their front porch to the N.W.A song BLASTING from the car. We really are grown ups!!! No, really!
the guer girls
My last rainy day shoot. Beautiful little blondies all in gold and glowy helped take some of the gloom away! And while the oldest one was such the ham, the twins really wanted pretty much nothing to do with me. One of them wouldn't let go of her mom or babysitter at all, which made it quite challenging to get a picture- especially with all the tears. I tried all my usual tricks but the twins were just not having it. Somehow we did get a few good ones of each of the girls (well, the oldest one was begging me to take more pictures of her!) on their own. They are so gorgeous and I hope I will get to photograph them again when we can go outside and I can just get them in playmode.