• bsquared business

    LAST bsquared photoshoot openings for 2008 {ONLY 1 SPOT LEFT}

    Thank you for your ongoing patience! I am opening up my final few spots for photoshoots in 2008.
    All the remaining dates are over Thanksgiving weekend. They will be for mini sessions only and must be local to rockville centre. If for any reason we need to cancel, unfortunately there will not be another date in 2008 to reschedule to. I would be happy to fit you in in 2009 if you’d like.
    I’m offering them on a first come, first served basis so please let me know if you are interested as soon as possible.
    Thanks again for your patience! Here’s whats available:
    Friday 11/28 at 10am
    Friday 11/28 at 2pm
    Sunday 11/30 at 9am
    Sunday 11/30 at 11am
    Sunday 11/30 at 12pm
    Sunday 11/30 at 1pm
    Sunday 11/30 at 2pm
    Please let your non-blog-stalker friends know too, if they are interested! Thanks!!
    More pictures to come late tonight.
  • babies,  children & families

    the davi family


    well, most of the family. Dad was away on business but we did the shoot because mom’s mother and grandmother were both in town at the same time (which I understand is a rare occurrance) and they really, really wanted a mulit-generational shot of all the family “girls”. They showed me a picture of a previous multi-generational shoot where mom was the baby and it was her mom, grandma, and great grandma. So this was a very important session to try to capture that very special moment and bond. I think we got it.

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    When they first contacted me and told me they had newborn twin girls, I knew I was in for a good time. Their big brother was FANTASTIC with them and for me and let me get some fabulous pictures of them together. While he was definitely a busy 6 year old boy, bouncing around, when he held the babies he was so careful and gentle. He’s going to be the best big brother as they grow.

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    The babies were so delicious and sweet. They were sooo good for the whole shoot and were just so easy both awake and sleeping. And you know I wouldn’t be me if I didn’t do some wacky shots of them in odd places.

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    With this last group, when I showed mom one of the shots in the camera, she started crying. (I am blogging this with permission). There is absolutley no greater compliment than seeing that. Knowing that I moment I captured was so moving that it could make a parent cry!? Have I mentioned that I love what I do??!

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    To view all of the images from the davi family, please click HERE.

  • children & families

    the zam & murp families


    Traveled over to Staten Island on the oddest weather day for a shoot for this family (actually two families but they are related). It was sunny, it was raining, it was doing both. We snuck outside for a few shots of the bigger kids, but it was still a bit chilly for the babies. Lots of fun outfit changes for everyone and a few doggy friends joined us too.

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  • children & families

    the kolu family & the wals little boy

    Two shoots on two different days (sorry for having to share a post. Trying to keep up!) of some very cute little ones. One who really liked me, one who wasn’t sure, and one who was sure that he didn’t!

    First, the kolu family.


    The older of the two girls goes to school with Timmy. Sadly, the aren’t in the same class this year (they were last year) but still are friends. Mom (follow along everyone. here comes the convoluted story of how we are all connected.) used to work with John down at some of the bars on the water and I knew her a little from the bar back when I was pregnant with Jack and Patrick. No, I wasn’t hanging out at the bar while pregnant, but did often drive John to work and said hi for a minute. She is also a teacher at Jack & Patrick’s elementary school who we never had but there’s still a chance with Timmy! And now we are friends. She is one of those super nice people that you just can’t believe are truly THAT NICE. But she really is. One of those people who are genuinely interested in what you have to say. She’s awesome! Her husband is also a great guy, and the kids are so cute. Little miss E (the older girl) is definitely my friend and we had a good time playing hide and seek and taking pictures. Littler miss K, not as much. She wasn’t so sure if she should like me or not, but I think we became friends by the end.

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    Hope the jellybeans were delish and that the slurpee hit the spot, E. You earned them for sure!

    Now on to the wals little boy. Who was deathly afraid of my camera! Here’s what he looked like for the majority of our shoot:

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    He was pretty okay with me, he would let me talk to him, play peekaboo, tickle a little, and even took my hand to hold on to once when we were walking. But the SECOND I put the camera to my face he would flip out. Therefore, most of the pictures are him not looking at me or from far away so he didn’t really see the camera. It was interesting! But mom has a great sense of humor and we (meaning she and I)spent a good deal of the shoot laughing. I think my favorite is when he yells "OW’ at the top of his lungs whenever she would pick him up. Gotta love that age! When I photographed him last year, the kid was nothing but smiles! Well, we did get a few anyway!

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    And my most favorite, favorite picture from the shoot? This one. Gorgeousness.


  • children & families

    the bart girls


    My "nieces" who just get more and more gorgeous. We had a great time hanging out with "aunt beth" and getting lots of great shots. Mom always has them dressed so great for our shoots- lots of bright colors.

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    The oldest is John’s goddaughter (and it was our 13th anniversary today so we watched our wedding video which was freakin hilarious!.) I digress…she was our little 2 year old flower girl and so stinkin cute and tiny. Now she’s gorgeous and grown up. Craziness, I tell you.

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    The middle one is SO her father and usually loathes me taking pictures of her. But I don’t know exactly what happened this year as she was actually asking me to take her picture. There’s hope for you yet, miss K!

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    And the little one is the biggest mush. Always ready with a big hug for me even if I just saw her the day before.

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    Love these girls. Love that they love eachother (or that they can fake it enough to look good in the pictures!) We ended the day with a little dancing. And it isn’t really a bsquared shoot till someone jumps…

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