the sile kids
Again, gonna be short on narrative tonight. Still swamped and no end in sight! Thanks for bearing with me. Hey, at least I’m posting pictures.
Mom and I had some really good laughs during the shoot as usual- she’s so awesome. I love making friends from clients! Great kids who (after some coaxing and some dancing by mom) gave me some non-fake smiles. Dontcha love the hair on the little girl!!??
the picc girls
Have to be short on narrative again tonight (sorry!) but back in the editing weeds.
New clients- Like two little babydolls these girls! Super cute and so good. The little one wasn’t terribly smiley but I was able to get one out of her every once in a while. And once the discussion turned to princesses, the older of the two was my new BFF. The girls were brought by their fantastic babysitter, so this will be mom’s first look at the pictures. Hope you like them!
some additional openings & the malo family
Already sent out an email to those families on my waiting list, but wanted to post it here as well. If you or anyone you know is interested in a bsquared session, I have opened up another date and am filling appointments. The shoot has to be local to Rockville Centre and a mini-session. I’m filling them on a first come, first served basis. And if we end up with rain that day (and you don’t have an indoor location in RVC to shoot in) I can’t promise that we will have time for a makeup in time for holiday cards/photos to be ready. Here’s the schedule:
Saturday 11/22 at
9am, 11am,2pmand 3pm.Please email me at bbeyrer1@optonline.net if you would like to book one of those times. I might be able to open up a few more slots over Thanksgiving weekend. Keep checking back for more availability.
And now the malo family. Have done a few shoots now for this gorgeous bunch and they are all great, great kids. The girls were along on the recent "powe" shoot as little miss M is their cousin. They have a new addition to their family this year, and no, not a baby. A puppy! She was very cute and very photogenic. She fits right in!
Love how the siblings are all so good to eachother.
My favorite from the shoot:
the lync boys
This was my first of 5 shoots over at Tanglewood for the day. Two adorable, personable, photogenic blondie boys who I loved from the start. They were so good and fun and such good listeners. So easy to shoot- a great way to start off the day!
And a few silly ones, just for fun.
the bur family IV & the mor family III
Since I posted early (well, right before midnight) last night and that post was marked as November 13th, and I know how anxiously these two families are waiting to see their photos, I figured I’d throw in a post this morning. These two good looking groups are both growing up squared families so you have seen them in multiple blog appearances.
The bur family was last shot at the beach (poor dad was NOT happy on that shoot) and this time we headed back to Tanglewood (where he was much happier). My first shoot with this family was there about a year ago. Makes me realize how much their little girl has grown. Mom, remember how I said I wasn’t sure how much I was getting? (the little girl was very unhappy and spent a lot of time crying with a scrunched up face). Well, somehow we got these. The "how" is still a mystery to me but who really cares when you get a cute face like this:
Then on to the mor family- good friends of ours and one of Timmy’s best friends. A trip to Hempstead Lake State Park for their shoot. The kids were so fantastically great and we still managed to get a few of the baby looking even though he was completely obsessed with the leaves. Apparently, even up until the day of our shoot the baby hated sitting on the grass and would cry the second he was put on the grass (cement, fine. driveway, fine. floor, fine. grass, bad.) I guess the covering of leaves did the trick as he was happy as a clam. We had our usual good time running around the park and finding just the right spot to stop at to take some pictures. And minus a pair of boots left behind…it was a great shoot overall.