• children & families

    the crow family & the mcdo family

    Again, please excuse the short narrative this evening. Still bogged down in editing world and trying to get to bed before 2 tonight. I’m just so tired! And my mother informed me that I am NOT allowed to leave my camera at home over Christmas in Florida. Maybe I can get away with just the point n shoot??

    Brand new clients the crow family were so super nice and accommodating. We tried a number of times to fit them in to the crazy bsquared schedule and we finally found a spot. Granted, it was a last second spot and they rallied like crazy (the oldest son was sick and feverish but he was awesome. You can’t even tell, right!?) and we pulled it off. Their newest little one was only about two weeks old so we had to get that family portrait and "magic shot" of the three kids. Holiday card, anyone?? I think we did it!

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    Then my second visit with the mcdo family who are my mom’s neighbors. Another super nice, sweet, welcoming family. I have mentioned that I love my clients, right?? I do have to say that I loved walking into their apartment and seeing all the newborn shots I did for them a while back!! Now their baby is getting so big and is still SO CUTE!! I could eat that one right up. Seriously. It was rainy and dark so most of the shots were done inside, but I think we did okay anyway.

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  • children & families

    the rega girls & the cost family

    Back to posting two a night for a little bit (or maybe until Christmas!) so everyone gets their pictures as quickly as possible.

    The rega girls….Our beach friends came out for our annual christmas shoot at Dee’s Nursery. They had just started setting up for Christmas so we took full advantage. They had some of the Santa area together a little, and when I saw the sled I had the girls jump right in. We ended up getting in a little trouble for that, but hey, we got the shot!! My photography motto is do what you have to do to get the shot, and apologize after!

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    The cost family…. I swear (and I know I mentioned this before on the blog), mom and dad ARE Ken and Barbie (but smart). We had a great time playing around their beautiful home. We just missed out on the rain (it was misting a bit for most of the shoot but we worked thru it) and thankfully they had a great porch to shoot on when it started to get a little more rainy. Aren’t they magazine-perfect?? And the little girl– she cracks me up every time I see her. The funniest things (so mature beyond her years) come out of her little mouth in a little pipsqueak voice. Love hanging out with her.

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  • children & families

    1,117 pictures later…& the rina kids

    So I had 5 families to shoot today over at Tanglewood for mini sessions. And I took one thousand, one hundred and seventeen pictures today. Yikes, thats a TON of editing I have to do. But everything went great and I’m looking forward to getting into editing them as they were so good! You know how I’ve been up til 2am every night for weeks. With 1117 pictures to edit, 2am is going to seem early compared to what I’ll be doing now! Only 6 weeks til Christmas and we leave for Florida. I don’t think I’m even bringing the camera with me!

    On to the rina kids. Love these little redheads. I can’t believe how grown up they both got since I saw them last year. We had a lot of fun on this shoot- just running around the park and being goofy. And it was so nice to see mom- she’s just the nicest. Did I mention before I have the best clients? Ever!

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  • children & families

    the pow (not so much a) baby


    I have been this little one’s personal paparazzi since before she was even born. Mom called me the day of the shoot asking to see a sneak peek. I am so mean and said no- that she would have to wait for the blog. Well, Mrs. P, here it is at long last (and before 2 weeks!! so you don’t have to stalk me). Hope you think it was worth the wait.


    You’ll remember her and her giant blue eyes from a recent 1st birthday session we did. Now she’s back for her holiday pictures. Everything went so smoothly for the shoot and we banged it out in no time which I think was a big relief for mom! Her big cousins came along to help (thank you girls for carrying all my stuff and making miss M smiley) and were very appreciated by both mom and me! I will be photographing them with their family tommorrow so be on the lookout for them on the blog soonish.


    Don’t you LOVE the pose? Img_2892b Img_2933i Img_2962i

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  • children & families

    the bloo family & the culle family

    Please excuse the lack of narrative tonight. It’s late and I’m waaaaaaay in the weeds with editing. So many shoots still left to do and so many still to be edited and posted. So I might be a little short on words for the next few posts. I can let the pictures do the talking for me, right? Just for a little while.

    The bloo family…

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    The culle family…

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