• children & families

    the ambr kids


    My second year photographing these lovelies and I enjoyed every minute. Not only are the kids gorgeous but mom and dad are super nice- so the whole thing is nothing but pleasant. The little girl is packed with personality and listening to her talk, she sounds like a 30 year old! She seriously had me cracking up. The little boy is still pretty shy of me but I can see that glimmer of mischief in his eye when I get him giggling.

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  • children & families,  personal

    weekend recap & the barr family

    First, weekend recap.

    Saturday was SO busy with 3 shoots which took all day and took me all around Nassau County. Saturday night I went out to dinner with my friend Beth and we had a great ridiculous time. Her husband also recently had surgery so we both needed a night off (with no working, no errands, no carpooling, no kids, no recuperating husbands). Had some sushi (duh!) and went to see Brian play at a local bar. He was great as always and it was nice to see him. Then on the way home we were listening to my ipod in the car and Beth was saying how much she loved the songs on it- it’s probably 90% of 80’s music. So we ended up driving around town (just like highschool in the 80s) blasting the music and singing at the top of our lungs and dancing in the car. It was so stupid and immature and SO FUN! You gotta love friends that you can be stupid with like that. Beth said that I should post my playlist on here, but it’s so long that it would take forever. Suffice it to say that it’s tons of Cure, Depeche Mode, Beastie Boys, Erasure, Yaz, English Beat, The Call, and some Nitzer Ebb and other crazy stuff. But there is some newer stuff too so I’m not totally stuck in the 80s- some Dave Matthews, David Gray, U2, some dance stuff too. I’m all over the place when it comes to music.

    On a more somber note…Patrick’s crayfish met an early demise on Saturday night. It was very sad when I went into his room to put away some laundry and saw the little lobster floating upside down. Patrick was crushed and spent a lot of the weekend quite upset. We will not however, be getting a replacement. Timmy was concerned that his fish, Lewis and Goo, were going to die too. Let’s hope not. I can only handle one pet death and one hysterical kid at a time. Oh, and Timmy accidentially called them Gewis and Loo the other night and that just might be their new names. It goes back and forth.

    Patrick also came along with me on a photoshoot on Saturday as my assistant and did a great job! I had 5 month old twins and a 2 year old, so I really needed the extra entertainment factor. Jack gets to go next weekend. They are both so great with babies and little kids and anything that keeps the little ones smiley and focused works for me. And it was really fun for me to have him along (he had a great time too he said. And of course loved the $20 he made!)

    More shoots today and a quick trip to the park for our family. Timmy got his first subway sub (the teeny tiny one) with apple slices and actually ate both! Now editing like crazy for the forseeable future.

    Now on to the Barr family. I donated a bsquared gift certificate for a raffle prize for a fundraiser for a friend’s sister who was diagnosed with breast cancer last year. The winner of the bsquared gift certificate made it into a whole extended family shoot so everyone could be included and have their christmas photos done. Loved their whole coordinated green and red (you will be seeing a ton of red & green here on the blog over the next few weeks). Hope you love the pictures "aunt chicken" and thanks for the family insider info to make the kids laugh! (all of the pictures are in an album on the left).

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  • personal

    Happy Halloween (man, this is one exhausting holiday for parents!)

    We had a great Halloween here but there sure was a lot to do.

    We got a late start this year with everything that is going on around here so we only carved our pumpkins last night. But at least it was in time for Halloween. Grandpa Jack and Grandma Inez came by to help out as tradition dictates. I’m happy to report that I made another cannibal pumpkin this year but it actually made it all the way to the porch for display (last year Jack decided he was going to carry it and dropped it between the table and the doorway. It was a total goner.) So now the "we eat our own" pumpkin is glowing bright on the front porch.

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    Surprising to see John smiling, I know. Its only because he was torturing the heck outta the boys pretending to vomit pumpkin goop. I think this is the first year since they were old enough to sit at the table for carving that they didn’t gag over the goop. Progress after 9 years.

    Then this morning I had Patrick’s class Halloween Party where (of course) I took a ton of pictures. Timmy came along in his costume and all the kids made a huge fuss over him. He didn’t like the fuss part but he had a great time sitting with his big brother and helping him with his cookie project and for story time. The kids had a great time with the Halloween cookie/cupcake project and it looked sorta yum. (all the pictures from the party are in an album on the left so check em out if you’d like. too many to post here).

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    Jack as a mad scientist. (the wig and google glasses didn’t last long. they were itchy and he couldn’t see anything)

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    Patrick as a convict. (originally, he was going to be Stanley Yelnatz from the book Holes, but decided not enough people knew who he was so he was just going with convict Beyrer).

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    Timmy as batman. (he has worn this costume almost every single day for a month since we got it. But then decided this week that he didn’t want to be batman anymore. Too late. but he liked it anyway in the end.)

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    After the party, John and I took the boys out to lunch for some pizza and then back to school for the Halloween Parade. (again, too many pictures to post, so check out the rest of the parade in the album on the left). You can see my "costume" in one picture’s shadow. I wore my mickey dream ears from disney. We even saw one of Timmy’s teachers- Miss Donna. Timmy adores her!

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    Then out for some trick or treating with Olivia and family. Ran into lots of friends on the route. Couldn’t believe how totally CROWDED it was. Tons of kids trick or treating.

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    Met the boys friend Zach on the way as well and took him along with us too. All the big boys had fun playing some version of football with Patrick’s ball and chain.

    So after celebrating from about 10am until about 7pm, I think I am done with Halloween til next year. Now we just gotta get rid of the rest of the candy…

  • children & families

    the chi family

    Please excuse the shortness on words tonight. Trying to catch up before the weekend and getting ready for Halloween tommorrrow.

    Adorable and lovely family. Some beach, some park, some under the boardwalk, and some in grandma & grandpa’s backyard. Just nice all around people with good looks to match.

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  • children & families

    the cog family


    This family was gifted a bsquared photography photoshoot by mom’s sister who is one of my growing up squared families. Got that?

    It was a pleasure meeting and photographing all of them. The baby was just so squeezable and cute. I know mom & dad thought we didn’t get many smiles…but the pictures prove differently. We originally scheduled the shoot over at the planting fields but the weather was so iffy that we decided just to do the shoot at home (the house is actually not the ‘shoot family’s’. it belongs to the growing up squared family. I said it before and I still stand by it- that house has the BEST lighting. I want to rent it out for my studio!) Found some great little spots in the backyard with more fabulous light.

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    Got out the old standby metal tub. Love this whole series.

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    Besides letting us use her house, Aunt H supplied plenty of great props. She knows what I like!

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    We even shot a few in her halloween costume.

    Sad flower, happy flower, planted flower.

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