• personal

    new friends

    We have some new friends living here at our house.

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    Patrick and Jack’s classes did a big unit on crayfish last month. Now that it’s over they are offering the crayfish for adoption. Being that Patrick is completely and utterly obsessed with the crayfish, how could I say no? While the boys were at school Timmy and I went to the pet store to pick up some crayfish supplies so our new friend would be happy living here. I got out cheap at $26 for the whole set up…however Timmy decided he wanted some fish for him so I had to promise that we would go back the next day for him.

    Since coming home the crayfish has been "boring" according to Patrick. He spends all his time in his cave. I guess he must come out to play at night (they like the dark) cause things in the tank look rearranged the next morning. These things have a life span of 3-5 years. That’s a long time for a boring pet.

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    Back to the "fish store" the next day as promised and Timmy picked out two fish which he named ahead of time. They are Lewis (goldfish) and Goo (spotted fish). We aren’t entirely sure where he got the names from (he did mention something about the movie Meet the Robinsons but I’m not exactly sure) but they sure are cute!! He’s digging them a lot. I keep waiting to walk in and see Timmy IN the tank.

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    The PhotoPlus show at Javits was so fun today and it was great getting out for the day. Spent a lot of time just walking around and checking out all the goodies in person that I usually only see online. Have some great ideas for bsquared 2009. Gonna be offering all kinds of albums and other fun stuff!! I even got a great present from Mr. Mark at Rockville Camera- a new funky lens. It’s not in yet so when it is, I’ll be sure to post some new cool shots with it. Thanks Mr. Mark! And a big thanks to my mom for ALL the babysitting she’s been doing for me- and believe me, theres been a LOT.

  • babies,  children & families

    the deni family/baby

    Really short on words tonight. I am just DONE (not with photography, just with life). But, in reality I am so far from done so nothing to do but keep on going. This is just exhausting. All of it.

    On a happier note, I am off to NYC to the PhotoPlus Expo at Javits tommorrow for the day. Looking forward to that. And hoping hard that the weather forecast improves drastically for the weekend as I have 6 shoots that are on the books for Saturday and Sunday. Keep sunny thoughts for that.


    The deni family are repeat clients who I had the pleasure of meeting for the first time in 2007. Can’t even tell you how many people have commented on their gorgeous daughters since they were first featured here on the blog. And now they have added a third beauty to the mix. I had a great time seeing the girls again and finally got to meet dad this year as well. Thanks for sticking around a little dad- hope you weren’t too late for work! Mom is looking fantastic especially considering the baby is less than 2weeks old in the pictures.

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    You know how I love sticking babies in odd-ish places for that perfect shot. Don’t worry, mom is right there, just out of the frame just in case.


    To view all the images from the deni family/baby, please click HERE.

  • children & families

    teachers sessions: the alt family & the pas family

    Both these wonderful ladies are teachers over at Jack and Patrick’s school (soon to be Timmy’s too). Jack had mrs. pas in 2nd grade and we just adored her. We were never lucky enough to get mrs. alt but there’s always the chance with Timmy. Mrs. Alt’s daughter is in Timmy’s preschool class which is also nice so I am getting to know her that way.

    I think all the teachers kids from the school are required to be good looking or something. Cause they are REALLY are.

    First the alt family. Isn’t she stunning?? She’s a tiny little thing but packed with personality.

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    Next the pas family. The little boy didn’t really want too much to do with me, but he came around in the end. But as good looking as he is- that’s how fast the kid is. Zip. Zip. Zipzipzip. All over. And even though his eyes are teary, I promise I didn’t make him cry- he’s just coming off a cold and was leaky all over his little face.

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    The alt family gallery http://bsquaredphotography.smugmug.com/gallery/7557897_ebhvY/1/488367387_TKPPv

  • personal,  travel

    a homecoming & out trip out east

    John’s home! They kicked him out today. It was a crazy morning- phone calls to the doctor from me cause I didn’t think he was ready to be released. Why? Because he had a fever yesterday (which is now gone) and because they never tried him out on the steps. You can’t get into our house from outside without going up some steps. Well, after a loooong morning, they finally did and he did fine. So now he’s home. He seems so, so much better and he even said that he feels in even less pain than before the surgery. So that’s pretty huge. He’s starting to get feeling back in his leg/foot that had been gone because of the nerve impingement by the disc. He took a fat nap all afternoon. The boys have all been great about being careful around Daddy as not to bump or bug him.

    A big, huge, giant thanks to Mr. Incredible himself, our friend George who went into the city to pick John up. Timmy had an orthopedist appt that I couldn’t reschedule and I was nervous about who could physically help John should the need arise. George, you are truly Mr. Incredible. And other important thank you’s for today…to Kevin (John’s "work wife") for making sure that John was advocating for himself and that he was really actually okay to come home. To my friend Sue and her husband John for the delicious dinners for the upcoming days- any time I don’t have to cook is a good thing. Really good. To my mother in law for the venting ear, offers of and actual help, and the dinner that we will have tommorrow night. And to all my friends who called to make sure I’m okay. I’m okay. Pretty much. This is all just exhausting.

    Ok, and now stay tuned for some scenes from our trip out east over Columbus Day weekend. There are SO MANY awesome pictures so I put them all in an album on the left if you want to see them. The lighting was so beautiful all weekend and I got some amazing shots. Some of my favorites below.

    First we went to the park across the street from the ‘easthouse’. Working on my panning skills while the boys were whirling around on the merry-go-round. Delish light shining thru the tree (and the boys actually made it up into the tree!!). And just some goofiness at the park.

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    Next day was the trip to Greenport- on the agenda: the duck store, the Coronet for lunch and the best chocolate milk shakes. Ever., the carousel, and the Horton lighthouse on the way back including the zillion stairs down to the beach. We even climbed all the way to the top of the lighthouse. John was not particularly happy about that.

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    Then later that day, a new ‘event’ that I think will be on the schedule every year as it was John and mine favorite part! We went to Duck Walk Vineyard and just sat around the ‘yard’, drinking wine, eating cheese and crakers, and watching the boys play. Of course, the lighting was fantabulous and I took a zillion pictures there. Timmy does "cheers" with Daddy even. We didn’t want to leave but it was getting cold once the sun went down.

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    Last day, the pumpkin patch (tried a new one this year. it was good.) and the pie farm to pick up some yummy fruit and pies. Tried the corn maze-John got tired of walking around so he stopped in one place and sent one boy one way and the other boy the other way to find the exit. Jack made it out and went back to collect Daddy and his brother. Timmy loved the bouncy pumpkin. And this was the first year that I couldn’t take my customary boys in the wheelbarrow sitting on pumpkins picture. The big boys are too big. 🙁 So we did the best we could to fake it. And couldn’t leave out mr. happy with his wheelbarrow o pumpkins (for $80).

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    It was a great weekend. A nice way to spend our last pre-surgery time together. 

  • children & families

    drowning & the doy family

    Think I’m drowning just a little. In over my head. But plugging along cause that’s just how it is.

    John is doing a little better today- or rather he was until later in the night. He was able to get out of bed himself and do a little more walking today (still with the walker though) but had a lot of pain again tonight which was due in part to the fact that the nurse was 2hrs late with his pain meds. And he now also has a lowgrade fever and they don’t know why. His surgeon had said he may come home tommorrow but I just don’t see how thats going to work. 1. he has a fever. 2. he can’t really get around by himself and god knows I can’t lift him! So I’m not sure what’s going to happen. His surgeon hasn’t seen him since Friday but he’s supposed to see him in the morning. I’ll keep you posted.

    And now, the doy family. This is my second year doing pictures for this family and the big boys were even less happy about me being there than they were last year- but they do take a great picture!! The baby grew up so much and the little girl is just as adorable and photogenic as ever. Had some fun running around at Tanglewood and taking some pictures to get something for their holiday card. Hope we succeded, D.

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