the arle family
(Looks like I am having to resort to using 4 letters for the last name- too many shoots with too alike names!)
LOVED doing this shoot. Mom and I discussed locations beforehand and it was between these alleys back behind the childrens museum and the Planting Fields. While Planting Fields is beautiful and everything, it dosen’t scream boy to me. This place is all boy. This is the same location where I did the shoot for the Turn a few months back and I liked it so much I recently brought my boys there for a few pictures.
Anyway, we had a great time and the boys were so happy with all the stuff there (especially after I "let" them do the jumping pictures they wanted. I think the jumping was their favorite part of last year’s shoot!) Mom is always a more than willing subject (so you know I love her) and Dad is a very good sport, going along with whatever crazy ideas we come up with.
And when I saw the shopping cart, mom and I came up with the same idea at the same time. Awesomeness!
the basi family, the mcgu family & a john update
Ok, trying hard to get back into the swing of things today. It’s only half working out. I am so tired and spent that after getting the boys all off to school today, I went back to bed for a 2hr nap. It was nice but I still feel like a wrung out washcloth (and looking in the mirror, I look pretty much the same).
First, a John update. I was at the hospital til after 10pm last night (the staff is very nice and even though visiting hours are over at 8pm, they let me stay) until they got John out of recovery and into the step down unit. He was in a TON of pain last night and was pushing on his morphine drip button like…well, like he just had holes drilled in his spine and titanium screws and rods put in. His breathing wasn’t great but that is due to his throat being dry and swollen from being under and intubated for almost 5 hrs for the surgery, plus the fact that the morphine’s side effect is a depression of respiration. But he made it thru the night. I spoke to him this morning and he sounded way drugged up and still in a lot of pain. As of this afternoon (after another phone call) he was still in stepdown but they planned on moving him to his own room today at some point- you know how quickly things work in hospitals! They took away his morphine pump (perhaps from overuse?) and he sounds just as drugged on whatever kinds of pills they are popping into him. The boys asked me if I would stay home today (so I did), so John’s parents were heading into Manhattan to sit with him today. A big thank you again to Kevin for driving all the way in just to visit at the hospital, and to Nelson for visiting and driving home with me and being a good friend. And thanks to everyone who called, texted, and emailed to check on John and on me. You guys are great! I’ll post tommorrow with another update on Mr. Happy. I can’t wait to go to sleep again- I feel like I’m never going to catch up on sleep.
Next, two families who’s kids go to school with the big boys and are repeat clients, not to mention friends. It was nice that it worked out that one was right after the next over at Tanglewood. We got some great and fun shots of each family.
The Basi family- I love the towhead kids. They are like a magazine ad, no?
The mcgu family- their boys are so different from eachother, but so alike in not wanting to smile for me. Toward the end I managed to get them to smile a bit against their wishes! The older the boys get, the harder it is to coax out those smiles!
live from new york…
and the hospital for joint diseases. john is doing fine. the surgeon said everythig went really well. (although they scared the crap outta me cause they said 3 hrs for the whole thing. but it was more like 4.5). he is in recovery right now waiting to be brought up to a room. hes in a lot of pain but lucid (not to mention his usual cheerful self). hes got a nice morphine pump so its not all bad. i would like one too after the14 hr day so far and not even close to driving home yet. more tommorrow. thanks to everyone for your prayers and good wishes.
the fre family & the hoi family and an important note
First, the note. John is going in tommorrow to the Hospital for Joint Diseases in NYC for his back surgery (discectomy). He will be having one disc removed and the spot filled back in with a mesh cage with bone from him and cadaver bone (ewwww), and then the cage will be secured with rods and screws. Sounds fun, huh? Due to these festivities I will be "out of the office" all day Thursday and possibly Friday as well. He’ll be in the hospital for at least 5 days and I will be running back and forth and doing shoots in between with lots of help with the boys and home stuff from my parents and my in-laws (THANK YOU SO MUCH in advance!). So if you email me and/or are waiting to see your pictures or have me upload your pictures to Rockville Camera, please be patient and I will get to it as soon as possible. I will be checking my email and messages throughout the day both days, and will try my best to respond as soon as I can. Thanks for your understanding and patience. I’m anticipating that it’s going to be nuts around here for quite a while.
Moving right along….The fre family is next up. This is the mom who owns www.uncommonlycute.com kids clothes and accessories. So I did a family shoot along with a product shoot the same day (the product shoot is about 4 down below on the blog, so you can scroll down to check it out). They have a tradition of sending out a family picture holiday card every year so the pressure was ON for me to capture a good family photo. Which was a little challenging since the little girl really didn’t want to do it! I think we managed to squeak a few out though.
The hoi family was gifted a bsquared photoshoot by the lef family (the lef family is featured back on the blog on september 18th if you want to take a peek) as the new mom is one of the teachers at music together. So I got to meet their newest family member at about 2.5 weeks old and what a cutie pie. With that strawberry hair and unrelenting gaze, I couldn’t stop taking pictures of her (which is probably good since that was what I was hired to do!). This baby however, did not want to sleep. At all. But she made up for the cute squishy sleeping shots with amazing eyecontact and some smiles. So it was all good.
the mcs family
A family near and dear to my heart. Love the mom. She’s just awesome– even if she dosen’t like me posting pictures of her! We have very similar tastes and she loves the same wacky pictures that I do (more so than the way posed ones). No wonder we get on so well.
Got some way awesome pictures of the kids (and mom & dad too). Mom brought along some perfect props that we had a fun time with.
Another day at the beach I would love to have stuck in a jar for the winter. Beautiful evening, beautiful kids (seriously. they are gorgeous!). Mom and I stayed in the parking lot chatting til well after dark. No one wanted to leave.