the ond family
Well, almost the whole family. Dad was away and the pictures are also a gift for him. So Mr. O, if you are reading this stop now!
Beautiful mom is also the "flip flop lady". She owns www.beachesnbuckets.com, whose flip flops and beach accessories I have photographed and shown here on the blog. Even had a flip flop party here which was a big hit.
Love these photogenic boys. I took their pictures for the first time last fall down at the beach and found out they were nothin but boy- all action, all movement, all the time! This year, things were slightly calmer, but they are still as gorgeous as always if not more so. Not so much chasing involved this year!
They need to model. Especially the older one. He works it for the camera like no one’s business.
the bis family & the gil baby
Ok, so it’s finally come to this. Have to squish two families into one post. My friend Sharon asked me a few weeks back if I was going to be able to post everyone’s pictures in time for the holiday rush…and the answer is yes, but only if I double up here and there. While I love to and would rather give everyone their own time in the spotlight, if I need to get everyone’s pictures posted, some of you are just going to have to share! So, in no particular order here come the bis family and the new gil baby.
First, the bis family.
If mom looks vaugely familiar to you, it’s because she looks a ton like her sister (that would be the did family from July). Met them at their house on a very rainy day for a family shoot. Another gorgeous bunch (how are my clients so good looking??!!) with great, sweet, cooperative kids. We did manage to sneak in a few outside shots between the raindrops.
Can’t you just hear her giggling?
Loved the decor in the house. Which was good, cause we were inside for a lot of the shoot.
Thanks, bis family. It was such a pleasure meeting you all!
To view all the images of the bis family, please click HERE.
Next, on to the gil baby.
You will remember mom and dad from their last appearance on the blog as bride and groom earlier in the year. They just welcomed the newest member of their family, James aka PorkChop. This baby was so cute, and so chunky (love me some baby rolls), weighing in at 9lbs, 3oz and measuring 22.5″ at birth!!! His nickname is well deserved, no?
Mom STILL looks fantastic as always- these pictures were just 10 days after birth (c-section no less). They are both so totally enamored with this new little life. I was so glad to be there to capture him in all his tiny hugeness.
To view all the images of the gil baby, please click HERE.
the led girls
Been a busy, busy, busy weekend with about 6 shoots and fun with my boys squished in there somewhere. Haven’t slept in weeks and I’m so tired. But lots more shoots to show you, so here goes another.
The led girls have gotten so much easier to photograph. I think between them getting a little older and getting a little more used to me, things go smoother. We braved (barely) the massive, ridiculous amount of mosquitos (there is NO WAY Nassau County actually sprayed for them like they said they did cause they are everywhere) and got some great shots. I felt terrible for the girls cause they are both very allergic to the mosiquito bites, so we shot and ran back inside.
Aren’t they beautiful?
Very coordinated- the blue eyes match the blue tongue!
the mah family
Met this sweet little family down at the beach (tis the season and all..) for a photoshoot. They came out from NYC for the shoot (thanks!!) because when they originally called me for a shoot in August when they were LIVING in Pt. Lookout- when it would have been so easy for them- I was taking the month off. But we did manage to get the beach shoot in anyway, with a bit of travelling on their part. Hope you think it was worth it.
Love the little man and his trucks. Really, how cute is he??
Although this blue bldg has been there forever, I just used it for the first time in this shoot. New love!
And you know how I adore a family who will go with all of my crazy ideas. Like sitting in the middle of the street.
the pow baby 1st bday
Here is the second shoot being posted today as promised. Don’t forget to page down to see today’s other blog installment.
Little Miss M was gifted a bsquared shoot by her aunt (who’s pictures I’m doing this weekend) for her very special 1st birthday.
Can you believe how this little one has grown since last year??!! I have been taking pictures of her since before she was born, and I am her personal paparazzi. She has always given me the best eyecontact (even as a 2wk old newborn) and that hasn’t changed one bit. She still seems to ham it up for my camera. I know mom thought we didn’t get a single good picture this shoot (there were a few tears in there) but she rocked it again! Happy birthday, Miss M!! Can’t wait to keep watching you grow!