a little break from our regularly scheduled programming…
Just needed one day off from posting the zillion shoots I’ve been doing. So bringing you some new pictures of Timmy. The big boys are boycotting the camera for right now so, this is all I have.
Some random happenings around here:
*Jack and Patrick are getting so big and are starting to have some tasty "pit stink" by the end of the day. OMG- already??? And it really, really smells. Bad.
* Timmy finally looks like he’s getting bigger (he’s been in the 25%tile for height) and filling out a bit. Must be all the chocolate and steak. (and no, not together. ewwww.).
*weird coinsidences around here lately. Thinking of things or people that I haven’t seen in a long time and then running into them. Never hearing of a place before that day and then hearing of it three more times within a week. Strange.
*speaking of strange…saw this fair set up by the mall (we pass it twice a week on the way to OT and PT for Timmy) and just HAD TO HAVE pictures in there before it was open. So Timmy and I braved the ‘carnies’, and believe me, they were a little frightening, and walked around the empty carnival taking pictures. None of the rides were open but we snuck around where we could and snapped a few. They were actually nice about it (but still scary). All I could think of was my favorite show EVER- Carnivale. I miss that and am still pissed off about the non-ending. So wrong.
* just saw a segment on the news about what you could buy for $700billion- the whole buyout deal. And it freaked me out. Did you realize that you could provide heathcare for every. single. american. for 5 years with that? More stuff that’s just so wrong.
*finished all but one of the books that I bought over the summer (so 6 so far) and really enjoyed all of them. Heading to the bookstore tommorrow with the boys to do some fill in shopping for all of us. Not that I’m going to have time to read them until we go to Florida for Christmas…
*still working so hard (and loving every minute of it) on the zillion shoots I have booked until the end of the year. More coming tommorrow and probably pretty much every day until December. The bad weather this weekend is absolutely killing me. So frustrating. Here’s a fairly unflattering picture of me working at the wedding posted below. But I’m smiling cause I love what I do. Please ignore the frizzy hair- it was so humid outside and I had been shooting outside since early that morning. It only got worse at the beach as the day wore on. I still can’t believe I have a business!
the dal wedding
Spent the day (the very hot, humid day I might add) shooting this great couple at their fantastic wedding. Their friends and families looked on as they tied the knot and celebrated their new marraige at the Atlantic Beach Club. Both the mass and the reception were lovely and love-filled. All the kids were just over the top cute and very, very cooperative. The beach shots were a favorite of mine and I’m so glad the bride and groom were so excited to do them as well! They looked fantastic (the bride’s makeup was perfect and her eyes were to die for) and I think they had a great day. Even thought it was so very hot and humid.
Before the mass at the bride’s parents house:
At the church:
At the office (the groom is an attorney and this is his office building. There was a special request for me to take some shots there and I was all too happy to oblige):
At the reception:
ALL f the pictures from the day are in an album on the left under the dal wedding. Just click on any image to see it bigger.
And big thank you to my friend Beth for being my second shooter and backup help. And friend who knows exactly what I’m thinking before I say it. We even got matching sand/shoe blisters that night!
Thanks for letting me share in your special day, E & T! You guys were great. And many congratulations!
the mar family at the beach
This is a family that I photographed for the first time last year over at Tanglewood. I hit it off with the mom the very first thing and we quickly became friends. I just love it when that happens!! I had never met her husband until our beach shoot and he’s as nice as could be. The kids have grown so much since last year’s session and although the little boy is very shy, we became pretty good buddies by the end of the shoot. He was doing the full on ham thing by the end with some super-cool spidey moves thrown in for good measure. And the little girl with her very classic good looks (she is just perfect in the mocha finish) and sweet personality with a bit of spunk.
We had a great time (it was all I could do to concentrate on the shoot instead of gabbing with my friend) and everyone was so good and cooperative. Love that and love them!
the turn at wmjc
Last week The Turn (aka Brian and Pat) were asked to go back to WMJC radio station to play some of their new songs for the radio execs and do some promo/music recording for their shows. Of course I tagged along to document the day (*just to clarify that I am not a total groupie (which I kinda am), I was hired to come along and take pictures. Like for work. Really!) While the recording portion of the day didn’t work out as planned as the facilities weren’t available, the intimate concert for the execs worked out great. Brian and Pat played a bunch of their new songs (which TOTALLY ROCK by the way) and all the "audience" were pretty much rivited. The new material is just so great- and I can’t wait to hear it again. I think they made a really great impression, which can only help in their progress.
And I have to add that Pat sang some on a few of the new songs and it was SO GREAT!!! I’ve only heard his voice in snippets here and there as backup but in a few of the new ones, he sings solo (not the whole song, but parts) and is just awesome! They sound so good together. It still amazes me everytime I hear them play- that they write all their own music & lyrics, play so well, and sing so incredibly. It’s a ridiculous amount of talent between them. Can’t wait to be photographing them on the big stages! Someday soon.
In 2009 as part of my restructuring, I will be offering storyboards as part of packages and also as ala carte items. I made the boys one each for their birthdays, and so I could show them as samples. The storyboards for the Turn measure something like 20×40" and have 10 pictures on each. They came out so cool. I think they were pretty happy with them, huh?
Next for the band– heading back into the studio soon to record their new album. I hope I will be invited to
play groupietake pictures while they are there, even just so I can listen to the new songs again! You guys are the best. Only good things for you! -
the bur family at the beach
One of my growing up squared families who I love to photograph.
You know how I like to tell you we had a great time at the shoot? Well, in this case only 3 of us did. Poor dad loathes the beach but was a trooper and toughed it out for the sake of the pictures. He dressed in long sleeves and jeans which was especially unfortunate cause it was only about 1000 degrees out with 500% humidity. Then the baby RUNS full speed into the ocean and he has to grab her before she goes completely in. Several times. His pants were soaked, sandy and falling down. He was sweaty, uncomfortable, and well, basically completely miserable. In fact- his exact words were "this is my worst nightmare". Dosen’t he look like it is?? Poor guy.
Well, at least the baby had a great time. She loved the big "pool" (aka ocean) and was so sad when we had to leave there. She ended up being quite the mess (and is usually very dainty and girlish) but I thought you could see the joy all over her face!
Looking forward to our next shoot (although dad probably really isn’t) someplace a little less messy maybe.