the mck family at the beach
Met up with the McK family at the beach club we both belong to. We had the best time of the day down there- lots of golden light at sunset. Dad really wanted to see some muscle beach pictures, so we did what we could to appease him.
The kids were great as usual (I have done photos for this family a number of times now) and we had fun wandering the beach and climbing the rocks. Love some sunflare with some yummy backlighting.
Ended up on the lifeguard stand (why can’t they have white ones like this at Pt. Lookout beach instead of those screamingly yellow ones??) right before we lost the last bit of light. A fun way to end the summer.
published, baby!!!!!
One of my pictures (with credit and everything) was published in today (Sunday’s) NewYork Daily News! It was one of my pictures from "the JM wedding" of the bride and groom. Very exciting!!! It was also in the Daily News online, here:
And the funniest thing, I just happened by total chance to run into the bride and groom today at the beach. I was doing a photoshoot down there for my friend Sharon and her family when Magda spotted me and showed me the paper. They even posed for a picture with Olivia. Is that serendipidous or what?
I am so thrilled that the bride and groom liked the picture enough to send it in, and that the newspaper ran it. Also, a big thank you to Meg (daughter of the groom) for hiring me to capture the special day, and for setting up the picture with the paper.
I’m a bit excited.
surgery, a sighting, and something for sale
John and I headed into Manhattan yesterday to meet with his back surgeon to discuss his surgery in October. It went well, but the surgery is a lot more complicated than we both originally thought. Basically, they are going in thru his side, removing the disc at L4/L5, putting in a metal cage where the disc was with some of his bone, some cadaver bone (ewwwww) and maybe some demineralized bone, and hope it fuses. Then theres the 5 day hospital stay at The Hospital for Joint Diseases in Manhattan, 4 weeks (omg) recovery at home, and the full recovery which is from 6 months to one year post surgery. He also said that while the level of pain will decrease, he can’t say how much. And that you won’t know the full level of success of the surgery until that 6mo-1yr mark. All the doctors John has seen are all in agreement that he must get the surgery, so I guess this is as good as it’s going to get. This doctor is world-renouned and does far more complicated surgeries than this, so we feel comfortable with him and his prognosis. So not really bad news, just not really good news either. I am hoping that the doctor is overstating things so that patients will be pleasantly surprised by how good they feel. Doubt it, but hoping anyway.
While we were at the dr’s office, he had John head over to the radiologists just to get an updated set of films before the surgery. Do you know who I saw in there? Dr. Abby Lockheart (aka Maura Tierney) from ER! No, not as a doctor, as a patient. She didn’t make any eyecontact but it was so totally her- I even heard her speak to a receptionist and it was the same voice from TV. So there’s my celebrity NYC sighting for the day.
Lastly, something for sale. We went up to B&H photo after the doctors appointment (but before going all the way down to Chinatown to pick up some deliciousness from The Peking Duck House to take home) where I bought a brand new Canon 24-70mm 2.8/f L lens. I had purchased this lens once before but ended up returning it and getting the 24L fixed instead. It is a VERY heavy, large lens and I just wasn’t loving it. But since that time I have found so many occassions that I need a zoom lens (since all of my lenses are fixed 24L, 50mm, and 85mm) and constantly switching out lenses in the middle of a shoot is often problematic. So now that I have two 5D’s, I figure I can have the 24-70 on one, and my favorite, favorite 50mm on the other (or the close second favorite 85mm on the other). I tried out some telephoto zoom lenses while there as well, but I don’t really need those at this time. Eventually, but not now. Now that I have the 24-70L, the 24mm L fixed kinda becomes repetative.
So…now that you know the lens history, I am offering my Canon 24mm 1.4/f L lens for sale. It is in pristine condition, in the original box, with all of it’s accessories (lens cap, lens hood, lens end cap, padded bag) and it even has the original warranty card in there too. I am offering it for $875.00 including insured shipping (it currently sells for $1170.00 plus tax). If you are interested or know anyone who is, please send me an email at bbeyrer1@optonline.net. Thanks!
Here is a link to the description at B & H and here is a picture:
holiday cards 2008
Here they are! The new 2008 Christmas card offerings. A little something for everyone, I hope.
The cards below can be printed on one sided photo paper (thru Rockville Camera as last year), but these are also offered this year as beautiful, high quality 5×7 press printed cards. They are printed on a semi-gloss or linen cardstock, double sided. Some of the cards can also be printed as folding cards (horizontal or vertical). All of the samples shown can be customized for color and wording.
Please see my holiday cards page for more details on pricing and ordering. There are also samples of some of last years templates that are available again this year.
A few samples:
Ab.(flat card. front/back)
Ac. (flat card. front/back)
Ad.(flat card. front/back)
Aa. (shown with 4 pictures. also available with one large picture instead of 4 smaller ones. flat card. front/back)
Ag. (can be used as a folding card. here are the front and back and then the inside spread)
Ae. (flat card. front/back)
Af. (can be used as a folding card. front and back shown and then inside spread.)
Aefold. (folding version. front and back shown first. then inside spread)
Adfold.(front/back shown first, then inside spread.)
Ba. (can be used as a folding card. front/back shown first, then inside spread)
Bb.(flat card. front/back with 3 photos. then front/back with one large photo).
Bc. (shown in with one picture or two picture option)
Bd. (flat card. front/back shown)
Bdfold. (front shown, then inside spread. back is the same as Bd above)
Be. (flat card. shown front/back. two options- one large photo or 4 smaller photos)
Bf. (flat card. shown with two options. three pictures across in one version, one picture vertically in the other version.)
they’re going back….
(okay, I know you all know that awesome Staples commercial with the kids standing and staring in dismay at the wall of school supplies while the dad whizzzzzzes by on the shopping cart with the song "the most wonderful time of the year" playing in the background. Seriously, one of my all time favorite commercials. EVER. I crack up just thinking about it.)
Well, Jack & Patrick started their first day of 4TH GRADE (holy crap) today. They had a great day, loved their teachers (Patrick has the same teacher he had for Kindergarten) and were both so happy to see their friends. They got great kids in their classes, so that’s always a big indicator of how the year will go. Looks good so far.
I’ve been busy filling out paperwork, writing checks, and getting organized all for the first day of school. Everything seemed to run smoothly this morning here at home (although I had to wake everyone including Timmy up at 8am. I did NOT like setting the alarm clock. Nope. Not at all.) The boys were sporting new backpacks, new lunchboxes, and new clothes for their first day. Nice to see everyone and everthing all clean and shiny for the start of a hopefull clean and shiny school year.
Timmy had his first day back at OT and PT and he loved seeing his ‘teachers’ there. He totally konked out for about an hour nap- the poor kid was exhausted between me waking him up and going back to therapy. Wait til school starts for him next week, plus the PT and OT 2x a week. I think the nap may be making a brief return until he gets used to his busy schedule again.
The boys said they had a "great day" back at school. Looking forward to a fun 4th grade year! I can’t wait to see what they learn and how they grow. God, they’re big, huh?