• bsquared business

    session availability update


    Sunday, 9/28 one spot available at 1pm, 2pm, 3pm or 4pm start time.

    Sunday, 10/5 one spot available at 9:30am, 11am, 12pm or 1pm start time.

    Sunday, 11/30 (thanksgiving weekend) one spot available between 9:30am and 3pm start time.

    And since a post is pretty lame without a picture, here’s one for today.


  • i'm with the band

    The Turn (our latest photoshoot)


    This is going to be a hard post. Why? Cause there are so many outstanding pictures. And because there is so much to say about these guys, that’s its hard to know where to start.

    Immediate business first: Since things in the band have been changing since the Webster Hall show (3 original members are no longer members), it was time for a new shoot. I mentioned before that I found this AWESOME new location behind the Long Island Childrens Museum with Timmy. I thought it would be perfect for the band. Ended up…it was!! Loved it there- perfect urban decay with some great color and texture thrown in for good measure. Don’t worry about the original three guys- it was all amicable and they are still helping eachother out when needed. They were just moving in different directions and it was time for a change. So The Turn is still Brian and Pat, and they are kicking a** as usual! Writing all kinds of new songs and performing every chance they get.

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    It seems that besides being the "official" Turn photographer, I have become one of their biggest fans. (ok, stalker, but that’s just semantics, right?- Just kidding. Sorta.) I try to catch them playing every opportunity I get and keep dragging friends along for the ride. I don’t think my friends have minded so far…they have all become fans as well! They can seriously play and sing. They amaze me with their talent. Everytime I have the CD on in the car (which is pretty much always) and someone new hears it, they have consistently said that they thought it was the radio. If you haven’t already, please check out their myspace page and hear a little Turn music. It’s at http://www.myspace.com/RockTheTurn.

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    Besides the fact that I love their music- I love them. These are great guys with huge hearts. These "boys" always make me feel like I’m doing a great job for them. I don’t know at exactly what point we became friends instead of me just being their photographer, but we are friends, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. And I have now been dubbed ‘the turn mommy’. Can’t help it- just looking out for them as much as I can! I want to be taking their photos on the BIG stages as soon as possible and whatever I can do to get them there, I will!

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    We took about 430+ pictures during this shoot! Probably would have kept going too if we hadn’t run out of light completely. And the editing process was so fun for me- got to play with some finishes I don’t really get to use much on my regular shoots (the intense colors and acid washes generally don’t look good on babies, weddings, little kids, etc) but they rocked on the band shots. I had a great time Brian & Pat!! Hope you love them. I can only fit so many on here (way less room on the blog than the # of favorites I have), so the rest are in an album on the left. B- steal away!

    And lastly a few "personal" pix for B and ogy…

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    And my personal favorite. Not really, but it was too funny not to post.


  • personal

    the beyrer family BBQ

    Can’t really call it a reunion- not really- cause most of the cousins see eachother on a pretty regular basis. In years past, it’s been a fishing trip and then a BBQ and Aunt Cathy & Uncle Dick’s house in Pt. Lookout. Here’s last year’s post: family bbq However, the last few years the fishing trip has really been more of a puking trip. Everyone has gotten so seasick each time, so this year the executive decision was made to change it to a softball game and BBQ. I think it worked out much better (but really, who am I to say since I never went on the boat). At least there was no puking! (at least none that I was aware of).

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    The weather cooperated for the most part, for a while. We just barely got thru dinner when the storm rolled in and we had to get inside. So there aren’t as many pictures as I’d like, but there are some. And the most important ones are of "Lil’s Sweet 16". Joe got t-shirts for the 16 grandchildren, each with their birth order # on the back. We had one stand-in (#5 Marilyn,but her daughter Angelina stood in) and one missing (#16 Kerry- she had to leave early), but it looked great nonetheless. What a bunch of clowns.

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    Beyrers and nuns on the same block. Without some kind of implosion or spontaneous nuclear blast? Truly, a miracle.


    Couldn’t fit all the pictures on the main page, so if you’d like to see them all, check out the album on the left.

  • children & families

    the boi family

    For someone (me) taking the month off, it hasn’t really entirely worked out that way! I promised myself that I wouldn’t take any weekend shoots (which I have stuck to) but would do any shoots that absolutely couldn’t be done in September. Like a party or special event, or a newborn. Cause by the time September rolls around, the newborn won’t be a newborn anymore.


    That brings me to the next newborn I photographed recently and his great family. I didn’t realize mom was who she was and as soon as she opened the door when I arrived I said "oh, it’s you!". I know her from around town- kids classes and stuff. I met the rest of her great little family (yea! 3 boys!) and snapped away.

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    The baby was absolutely adorable and his big brothers were fun and very energetic. Walked down the block to the neighbors house (who’s family I shot at Christmas time last year) to use their cool swing- perfect for the baby!


    Got the boys jumping on the bed (see, it’s not all bad for the kids when I come around. They generally get to do things that they aren’t normally allowed to). This one reminds me of Peter Pan for some reason- love it.


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    So many great locations in the house. And LOVED the painted kitchen floor.


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    Hope you love the pix, A. Great "meeting" you and your great family!

  • personal

    didja feel the world stop spinning?

    Yes? That’s cause my mother went to the beach. With us. Shocking, I know.


    Well, it only took 10 years to get her there. We have invited and invited and invited her but the answer was always no. Finally, she agreed (with some argument of course) to come and we went on Monday for a while. And the first thing she says after sitting in her comfy chair, under her shady umbrella, reading her book and watching the boys play? "This is lovely. Why didn’t you invite me sooner?" Uh huh.


    Ken wanted to know if she was beamed there by aliens.

    We took a picture with the newspaper for date proof. I swear the picture is not photoshopped.


    Today was the day of the "jewish field trip" (as coined by Nelson). Visit as many doctors possible in one day. We did pretty well…pediatrician in the morning for Jack & Patrick, then eye doctor in the later morning also for Jack & Patrick. The boys did great at both and got a clean bill of health all around. Patrick’s turn to be taller than Jack this year (by 1/4 inch!) and they are both in the 80th %tile for height. Jack is still around 10 lbs heavier than Patrick. Eye exams were all good and they can still see! (although their sight seems to be fine, I think the dr. should have double checked their hearing cause they can’t seem to hear me most of the time.)

    Then off to the denist in the afternoon for all three boys. Timmy’s first time at the dentist and it was great! He had a great time (not my kid) and loved the whole thing. The hygenist that sees the boys is just the most wonderful, sweet, calm, kind woman ever. She’s so reassuring and lovely. I had to give her a huge hug at the end- she’s just that good! Jack finally got a clear exam with no cavities, and Patrick had 2 cavities. He was less than pleased with that news. Back in September for some fillings!

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