the sil babies
Delicious little boy & girl twins! Although technically 6 months old (3.5 months adjusted age) they were still pretty newborn squishy, which I just love. They were sweet and so good and easy.
Big sister is settling in with the babies- she’s had a tough few months. She really wasn’t too interested in getting her picture taken (with or without the twins), but we managed to sneak in a few anyway.
It’s the babies’ Christening this weekend (the pictures are part of the favor- mom bought some pretty picture frames) so getting these up just in time! Nothing but happiness on your special day and in your bright shiny futures!
To view all the images from the sil babies, please click HERE.
the last of the birthday vegetable
So to wrap up the celebrations (well, at least until Connor, Spencer & Katie get here Thursday and we celebrate EVERYONES birthday) we went to El Mariachi for a delish mexican dinner, complete with sombreros and a mariachi band (and of course, a birthday wouldn’t be complete without some embarassment from "papi" Pancho.) And since John worked there way back when for a zillion years, we always get the best treatment.
All taken w the small camera, so cut me a break on picture quality, k?
the dis baby
Another new baby in my parents building that I was asked to take pictures of. That building is welcoming so many new babies over the last few months, with more to come in the fall. It’s a busy place! So here he is…a real cutie and a big ol’ meatball. His mom is just gorgeous and looks absolutley fantastic. The baby was only 3 weeks old at the time of the shoot, but really seemed much older. He had awesome head control and was super strong. And apparently, the baby is not a sleeper. He was awake for a good part of the session (and most of the night, mom said) and it took quite a bit of doing and whipping out all the tricks to get him to sleep. We finally did and he was nice enough to stay that way for a good long while (although, I don’t know if he stayed sleeping after I left- I hope he did N!)
His dad is from Croatia and he was sporting his first Croatian soccer jersey. So cute!
To view all the images of the dis baby, please click HERE.
just floating
here in the pool (my most favorite line from "the graduate"- where I (mrs. robinson) star)
Timmy has been enjoying floating here in the pool. Even has the crossed leg thing down for full relaxation mode. The big boys continue to scatter like bugs when the camera comes out. So don’t expect too many pictures of them. Timmy, however, often asks "mommy, take a picture of me?!" How can I say no?
Had to pop in and share my most favorite new line as overheard when Sharon and I went out to dinner Thursday night. Sitting a few tables away from some teenage girls (high school) and one said to the other…."I accidently made out with him". Wait. WHAT??? How do you accidently make out with someone?? We had a good laugh over that.
Coming up over the next few days here on the blog…. the "dis" baby, the "sil" babies, the "boi" family, the last part of the birthday vegetable, and the Beyrer family BBQ and softball game. So even though I’m technically "off" this month, not really so much afterall. Plus I have a shoot with my other boys (The Turn) coming up this week, and our good friends are coming in from Michigan this week as well, so lots more pictures to take and post. Stay tuned…
Jack & Patrick’s 9th birthday party
There is an album on the left side with all the pictures in it, so check it out. Too many to post in the middle (right, Sharon!?) cause if I do, it’ll take an hour to load the page.
On Monday, we had the boys birthday party, and it was a big success! We managed to just squeak by with the weather. It was crazy all day- sunny and lightning all at the same time. We were back and forth all day long as to whether or not we were proceeding. Finally at 4pm, it had been sunny (with no thunder) for a few hours, so we just went ahead. Glad we did. The whole thing was a lot of coordinating between the band, the house, the lifeguard, the guests, the stuff. Can’t imagine having to do it all over again!
Brian and Pat of The Turn volunteered a few months back to play the boys birthday party. The boys were beyond thrilled with that, as you can imagine. Especially pretty much ALL we listen to in the car every day is The Turn. And Uncle Joe and Aunt Gail graciously allowed us to use their house and pool for the party. So it was a rockin pool party. I hired a lifeguard from our pool (hard to watch all the kids, take pictures, listen to the band, and make sure everyone has what they need) so that was a nice saftey net. Elizabeth (our neice) watched Timmy the whole time (mostly so he wouldn’t drown!). She’s like the pied piper of kids, so he was thrilled to have her all to himself. So we had all our bases covered and the party went great.
John telling his nephew that he "invented" something or other.
Rockin out with "my other boys".
It dosen’t seem like Patrick will be standing for long, as Jack makes his entrance from the left!
Pat and his new "pretty" guitar.
Uncle Joe got shoved in by the boys in the above pictures. He was a good sport!
The kids were in the pool pretty much the whole time. The "goose" (which is really a swan) was a huge hit and they spent most of their time jumping on to it and knocking eachother off of it. The pool and air were pretty cold, so there were a lot of purple lips and shivering bodies. But they didn’t seem to care much and were having a ball. Pizza and cake (of course) for everyone. With Turn CD’s in the goody bags. I think the kids really dug the whole band thing. And in the words of Jack & Patrick "the party was a blast!"
Still can’t believe they are NINE!