• children & families

    the lai family


    Friends of friends, you may recognize these smiley adorable kids from a christening party. We met at Tanglewood on an EXTREMELY humid July morning, where it felt like 100 degrees and we heard thunder the entire time we were shooting. We somehow managed to avoid any rain, but we did wrap it up a little quicker than normal so we didn’t get struck by lightning!

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    Everyone was real troopers in the heat and humidity and we pulled off some great shots. The chair came in super handy getting the little ones sitting together- and happy! And then a little love before the shoving eachother off the chair starts.

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    To view the rest of the images from this shoot, click HERE.

  • bsquared business

    Looking for a photoshoot? limited spaces available!


    Here are the ONLY DATES LEFT between September and December. And they are going at the speed of light. So if you are interested, please contact me at bbeyrer1@optonline.net as soon as possible to book your shoot. First come, first served. I hate to leave anyone out, but this year is just nuts and I’m not going to have enough spots for everyone interested.


    Sat 9/6: one spot at either 1pm, 2pm or 3pm start time   TAKEN

    Sun 9/7: one spot at either 9:30am, 10am, 11am, or 12pm start time  TAKEN

    Sun 9/14: two spots at either 9:30am, 10am, 11am, 12pm, 1pm, or 2pm start time  TAKEN

    Sat 9/20: two spots  one spot start time 3pm, 4pm or 5pm

    Sun 9/21: two spots  one spot at either 9:30am, 10am, 11am, 12pm, 1pm, or 1:30pm start time

    Sat 9/27: one spot at either 9:30am, 10am, 11am, 11:30am start time

    Sun 9/28: two spots  one spot with a start time between 12pm and 4pm


    Sun 10/5: two spots with a start time between 9:30am and 4pm

    Sat 10/18: one spot at either 9:30am, 10am, 11am, or 12pm

    Sat 10/25: one spot with a start time between 11:30am and 4pm  TAKEN

    Sun 10/26: one spot with a start time between 9:30am and 1:30pm


    Sat 11/22: one spot  with a start time between 11:30am and 3pm.

    Sun 11/23: one spot with a start time between 11:30 and 3pm.

    Sun 11/24: two spots with a start time between 9:30 and 3pm. 

    And in other news:

    The picture of Timmy above was inspired by Gina Lee photography. Timmy saw it while I was looking at her site and said he wanted to do it too. So here’s our version. And he’s still using the binoculars the wrong way. I’ll be a little sad when he figures it out for real.

    Working on the new logo, packaging, photography packages, and prices for 2009. Look for things trickling in over the next month or so little by little.

    Also working on Christmas cards for 2008 season. With the amount of shoots I’m doing this year, I will not be making completely custom cards from scratch. There just aren’t enough hours in the day! I will have some fabulous templates to choose from, that are customizable by color, font, layout, etc.

    Any of my fantastic clients with edits or orders still outstanding from shoots completed BEFORE JULY 2008…I really need to have yours done before the holiday rush begins in mid September. So if you could please send me your final lists of edits and/or orders I will get them done for you before I get crushed. If I receive your orders after the middle of September, I cannot guarantee to get to them before December. This does NOT include those of you whose shoots I have completed since July. Thank you!

    More shoots coming up later this week, plus the weeklong *’birthday vegetable’ for Jack & Patrick who turn NINE on Saturday. The ‘birthday vegetable’ commences tommorrow night with dinner and continues thru the weekend into next week. And I still have to edit and blog their pictures from their baseball trip. So lots of fun to come…Stay tuned.

    *the birthday vegetable is really the birthday festival. Cause the kids birthdays in this house always seem to last a week. But Timmy couldn’t say festival last year, and it sounded like vegetable. So it is now and will always be the birthday vegetable in this house.

  • children & families

    the did family


    A gorgeous family with a beautiful little girl and a fantastic house to match. Let me tell you that this mom decorated her house so amazingly well. Everything was just gorgeous- the furniture, the colors (oh, I loved the colors), the design- perfect! And the casement windows. Yeah, loved those. And I’m sure they are pretty sucky on being energy efficient and all, but they look great in the pictures. Really, what else matters!!??

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    I also have to mention that this family has sent me like 5 referrals in the last few days- and they haven’t even seen their pictures yet! Thank you so much, C! I hope the photos live up to your expectations…

    To view the rest of the pictures from this session, please click HERE.

  • personal

    The Police at Jones Beach Theater


    Went with John tonight (they all came back this afternoon from their whirlwind baseball trip, exhausted but great). And it was even his idea to get the tickets and go! We had a great time. There is seriously no bad seat in that place and the views are incredible. The Police were so good- Sting sounds exactly the same and really put on a great show. And I was especially happy since they played my most favorite Police song- So Lonley. I find that a lot of the time the band playing doesn’t play whatever my favorite song is by them, so tonight was a complete success on that end.

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    Took the little digital camera (loving that thing-so tiny and easy. Granted, not the BEST pictures, but it does the trick) and took some shots to share.

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  • children & families

    the jas family


    Met this cute family who came to me thru another client’s photoshoot at their home for some fun and pictures. The little twin girls were REALLY unsure of me at first and just kinda gave me the “i’m-checking- you-out-but-I’m-not-sure-if-I-like-you-at-all” stare for a while. Then we had some warm up, especially when the cookies came out.

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    And as sad as it is because 1. I have twins and 2. these twins are NOT identical (nor were they even wearing the same clothing) I still had a hard time telling them apart. Okay, maybe not telling them apart, but remembering who’s who. They were super cute though and they finally warmed up at the end with lots of giggles and smiles.

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    To view the rest of the images from this shoot, please click HERE.