• children & families

    the cst family


    More gorgeous redheads- this time on the beach. Met the mom at my scrapbook class and we hit it off. Really- how could we not with the scrapbooking, photos, and her disney album?! The day of our shoot was SO WINDY down at the beach- it was a little ridiculous. We almost cancelled it but we muddled thru and got some great shots anyway. The girls were troopers and lasted a long time considering the conditions. Hope you like the pictures….

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    To view the rest of the images from this shoot, please click HERE.

  • personal




    That time of year again! John, Jack & Patrick, Timmy and I went to our town fireworks Saturday night with…well….everyone! Grandma & Grandpa, Uncle Nelson (making his very first fireworks appearance), Uncle Jerry & Aunt Alice, Ivy her kids, and Steve and his kids. And Uncle Jerry, I am sorry we were late and thank you for the spots!

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    Ivy and Steve the newly engaged couple let me take a few pictures (well, more accurately Steve allowed me to take a few pictures of him, Ivy’s always ready for some pictures of her!) and I got to see the ring- gorgeousness!! See for yourself.


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    The kids haven’t gotten sick of me taking pictures…yet!

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    Timmy was so funny during the fireworks- everytime a red one showed up, he yelled "red!!!! it’s your favorite mommy!!!". We were all talking about how long we’ve been coming to the fireworks and that led us to recounting the story where Patrick bit me on the shoulder his first year at the fireworks cause he was so freaked out from the noise. And then that led to the story where Jack whacked me in the head with a hammer- wound up and everything and then smacked away. Ah- memories! I had a very injury-ridden year when the boys were two.

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    And I tried something new with the fireworks pictures this year. Went to "bulb mode" on the camera (thank you so much Garrett for the quick lesson- I think it worked!) where the shutter stays open for as long as you hold the shutter release for. Tripod is mandatory. Love a challenge!! At least in photography.

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  • occassions & parties

    the rote 1st birthday


    I’m sure you’ll remember this little (big) guy and his great family from previous shoots. Well, here they are again…this time celebrating his first birthday. A little family BBQ with grandparents, aunts, uncles & cousins, and of course mom, dad, & big brother too.

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    It was his cousin’s birthday as well. She got a pretty ballerina cake.

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    It’s my party and I can cry if I want to? We moved him away from his ball & he was not pleased. But Daddy helped him make a quick recovery.

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    He REALLY liked his elmo/cookie monster cake. A lot. Can you tell? I left just as they were starting to clean the birthday boy up. It was going to be a big job! Hope it wasn’t that kind frosting that has a little perma-stain to it!

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    To view the rest of the images from the party, please click HERE.

  • baseball,  personal

    home team happenings

    Been so busy with clients sessions (which is a good thing) that I haven’t had a second to post anything that’s been going on around here. And as always, theres lots of stuff to report…

    1. Jack and Patrick have spent the last two weeks at baseball camp- every morning for four hours. And they LOVED it! They worked really hard and got some great instruction in all areas. Patrick really did some great hitting this week (lots of singles, a few doubles and triples too!) and Jack finally got to pitch (he even struck a few players out).

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    The coaches put them on different teams (why???) and they had their first faceoff- Jack pitching and Patrick at bat. It was interesting- very hard to figure out how to cheer!

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    John stopped by the game between court and appointments and hung out with Timmy a little too.


    2. I got a pedicure and went with a hot pink. I have never gotten a real color on my toes before- usually just a very pale pink. Shocking, I know. But I still keep doing doubletakes thinking my toes are bleeding. Other than that, I really like it.

    3. Got into a car accident on Thursday. All my fault. Backing out of the driveway. Totally backed into a huge Yukon or Suburban. We are all fine. Funny part is that I know (sorta) the woman who’s car I backed into- we see eachother around town all the time. She was so nice about it. There was hardly any damage to her car (just one small black scuff) but my whole tailgate is caved in. Scary thing is that I couldn’t have been going more than 5 mph upon impact and the tailgate is seriously crushed. I had stopped at the driveway apron to make sure there weren’t any cars or kids coming and then it looked clear, so I went. Apparently it wasn’t so clear afterall. The tailgate opens and closes fine, theres no huge gaps and the lights work, so other than being ugly, there’s no rush in getting it fixed. Just another thing…

    4. Still two shoots to be edited from last weekend. Two shoots this Saturday (one of which is in Staten Island) and one Sunday in NYC. I recounted and as of now I have booked and/or completed 105 shoots in 2008. Out of control!!!

    5. Heading to the town fireworks Saturday night with the usual fireworks crew (Ivy and her bunch now including her fiance, Steve, my parents, Ivy’s parents) so be on the lookout for some new shots soon. Including the ring!!!

    6. Got the NY State 3rd grade test results in this week as well. Patrick did awesome and got a 3 out of 4 in language arts, and 4/4 in Math. Jack…what to say about Jack- other than perfect! He got a perfect freakin score on both language arts and math. 780 out of 780 in lang arts, and 770 out of 770 in math! Can you believe it??  My second thought after how very proud of both of them we are was….holy sh*t!- how are we going to pay for Boston College (which seems to be the college of choice at the moment) when they do this well on their SAT’s? Better start booking lots more shoots!

    7. working on the new pricing for next year with some new packages and new add ons as well. Exciting! And even more exciting… my fabulous parents are buying me a (way) early birthday present on Sunday. Pictures on that soon too. Can you guess what it might be?

  • occassions & parties

    the dew anniversary party


    If you are a blog reader (aka stalker) you will recognize a ton of familiar faces from this party. My photography was purchased as a gift to the “bride & groom” from some of the girls I’ve done pictures for in the past, and the bride & groom’s daughters are both past clients and the girls who own bcause i said so. So, there ya go..

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    The ‘groom’ was a relentless ball breaker and I got a good dose of it. Luckily, I’ve become quite accostomed to that with all the dads/husbands/grandpas/men that really, REALLY dislike me with my camera and now I no longer take it personally. But as the day wore on and everyone became more lubricated, he eased up on me. A little. They are really a very fun couple and did everything I asked (with the occassional eye roll). I did love the hands over the cake picture above, recreating their original wedding photo. The gorgeous cake (and I heard it was delish too, but I left before that part) was made by www.jojokakes.com. All the kids had a great time in the pool and on the new waterslide. And the “big kids” (aka adults) were enjoying hanging out at “the liffey” which I was told, the bar they all used to hang out with when they were teenagers, and where the bride & groom originally met. Most importantly, I think the bride & groom were very happy to be surrounded by their friends and family that love them. 

    The celebration was at one of the daughters houses and was a sorta surprise. And yes, that’s really their backyard. Crazy huge! And Peter…sorry about stepping on the sod. I tried to tread lightly. (The host just finished putting in his new pool, patio, and sod. He was very protective of the sod- hence this face when he saw me walking on it yet again.)

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    To view the rest of the images from the party, please click HERE.