the lim family
Travelled all the way to New Jersey to meet this great family. Although very shy in the beginning, Miss S warmed way up and by the end she was jumping and sliding and running and laughing. Just the way a three year old should be. I even had the great honor of meeting “bunny” and hanging out with inflatable Dora, which Miss S even shared with me. It was great meeting all of you and I hope you enjoy the pictures.
To view the rest of the images from this shoot, please click HERE.
And on a very side note, if god forbid something happens on Long Island and we need to get off- forget it. On my way to NJ, they closed the Southern State Parkway. Ya, the whole thing. A zillion cars just sitting there forever. When I couldn’t take another second of it, I finally off-roaded it the wrong way up an entrance ramp and called John from the car for directions to the cross-island. The car’s navigation system kept trying to send me back to the southern state- and I was NOT going back. And before you call the state troopers on me for the entrance ramp thing, I followed about 25 other cars doing the same thing. Travelling is always an adventure.
brian with undercover
Brian was playing last week down at Coyote Grill with Jon’s band Undercover. John and I decided (well, I decided and John went along fairly willingly) to go to dinner down at Steven’s Pasta in Long Beach (it’s our date location- always has been since before we were married until now…almost 15 years later) and then over to Coyote. John worked at Coyote bartending for a zillion years, a zillion years ago. It was wierd being back and I’m sure even wierder for John. Ran into some friends, so he had someone to talk to while I snapped a few of the band. I just couldn’t help myself.
I have never seen Brian as anything other than the lead (lead singer, lead guitar) and it was so odd watching him not in the front of things. Jon’s band was really good. His dad is in the band with him which I thought was super cool. Didn’t get any shots of the rest of Undercover- I didn’t bring my flash and everything was blurry.
the scw 80th birthday
Headed up to the NYAC in Pelham last weekend for an 80th birthday party shoot. A beautiful area with a great family. And what a great man the birthday “boy” was! So together and kind and you could totally see how much his whole family just adores him. He has 8 children, and about a zillion grandchildren. All of them girls- except for one. Can you imagine?
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We were lucky and just got all the family shots in before the rain came and everyone moved inside. Please click HERE to view the rest of the images from the party. Hope you enjoy them!
the sum family
This shoot was practically a year in the making, but it was sooooo worth it (at least I think so, I hope you do too J). J called me about a year ago for a shoot when her little girl was born. They lived in NYC at the time, and at the time I wasn’t travelling so we didn’t do it. Fast forward to a year later when I am travelling like crazy (New Jersey, Long Island City, Brooklyn, NYC, Chappaqua…) and they have moved out of NYC to a new house and we finally set it up. Then we had to reschedule our first date due to rain. I’m not sure either one of us thought it would ever happen. But it sure did!
Miss D was so cute and although we thought we weren’t getting many smiles out of her, we did afterall. And yes, that is all in their ridiculously huge and beautiful backyard. Not a park. Well, I guess it is kinda a park in their own yard! And loved the very very friendly dog. He’s pretty photogenic too.
Love the “babydoll on a shelf”.
And the tu-tu…no words for this one! I have been waiting FOREVER for a tutu shoot and when I saw this in the spare room, I grabbed it with glee and begged to use it. I don’t think it took much convincing.
J, Hope you find something for your new canvas (or two or three…)
Please click HERE to view the rest of the images from the shoot.
Happy (slightly belated) 4th!
We had a very nice 4th of July although it didn’t include the beach. (I don’t think I’m ever going to get there!) After a lazy morning around here, I took all three boys to see WALL*E, which was just so cute. We all really loved it. I don’t know when I turned into such a sap but I cried at the end. Pathetic, I know.
After the movies, we went over to Uncle Joe & Aunt Gail’s house for a 4th of July BBQ and a 5th of Joe birthday party. They got their pool all fixed up and it looks great! They are being so nice and letting us have the boys 9th birthday party there next month (which The Turn will be playing at- how totally cool is that!). They had a band playing and lots of people swimming and eating with lots of fun.
Here is Aunt Gail being all glam in her pool and Uncle Joe doing his trademark flip.
The boys all loved the pool and I couldn’t get them out. Jack and Patrick especially loved the diving board and showered us all with lots of cannonballs. The swan (or goose according to Timmy) was also a big hit although it took up half the pool.
Everytime Jack tried to get on this shark, he would make it and then it would sloooooowly flip over to the left. Every single time. Hysterical!
Poor Timmy was shivering but wouldn’t come out. Saying "I’m not cold" thru blue lips and chattering teeth with all over shakes. But he wasn’t cold. Uh huh. Then after the blue lips came the chocolate face from the cupcake. It’s all good and colorful. Apparently Timmy can have a career in gun running in the future- he was collecting all the waterguns in the pool and putting them in his little boat. It’s good to have goals, right?