• personal


    OMG- I am being featured on www.blogsofphotogs.com!!! This is huge for lil ole me. Absolutely unfreakinbelievable!


    The woman who runs the site, Mary, is a photographer herself and reviews blogs of photographers (obviously). Some of the photographers she has reviewed in the past are like HUGE. HUGE, huge. One of them- the one I am featured immediately after as a matter of fact- Jessica Claire, just won the top 10 wedding photographers in the world. Ya, the whole WORLD! All my other idols whose blogs I visit on a daily basis for inspiration, ideas, and just admiration of their work- I found their blog sites from blogsofphotogs. So to imagine that not only am I even on the blog, but on the blog with people with that level of talent…I think I can just die now. Ya think I’m a little excited?!

    Here’s what Mary had to say about my blog:

    This is such a fun blog, with so much to like! Perfect little break from getting things ready for the 4th of July here in beautiful Minneapolis.

    Ok, first thing, and I absolutely have to say this, and I do not personally know Beth of bsquared photography, so I have no stake in saying this: Beth you are RIDICULOUSLY under priced. There are so many stellar images on this blog, and the portrait work, beach work and family sessions are so much better than SO many of the blogs I look at… I really have to just yell at you for a minute about your pricing. WAY UNDER PRICED!!!

    There, that is out of the way…(and if any of you readers agree with me, please leave a comment here to prove my point…)

    Ok… so, what else do I love? I love the frequent updates, the huge size of the images on the blog, (especially love that b&w image of the baby on the wooden bridge…) the band photos are great, (and if you have ever done any band photography in darkly lit clubs, you know how good these are!) and the fun, affable, cool-mom-next-door tone of her writing. There are a couple less than perfect images if you delve way back, but you can really see amazing growth, talent and beauty in her work. If she was one of the photographers I have mentored though, I’d be on her about that pricing. :)



    So how awesome is THAT!! Okay,I guess I have to work on the pricing, huh?

    (Brace yourselves…here comes the "oscar speech"- feel free to skip this part) Thank you to everyone who has welcomed me into your homes and hearts and let me take photos of your families. Thank you for all of your referrals to friends and family, without which I wouldn’t have been able to grow my business as much as I have. Without you, there would be no bsquared photography (and my boys would be even more miserable cause I would only take pix of them!). Thank you to my wonderful supportive husband- for being a "single father" basically every weekend so I can keep working. And to my wonderful, photogenic, mostly patient boys who I love so much- without you guys I wouldn’t have learned how to take a good picture (or a bad one), gotten a big girl camera, and become a real life photographer. And thanks, Mom, for the wonderful comment/compliment and alllllll the babysitting! Not to mention my first big girl camera for Christmas way back, which started the whole thing.

    I guess now is the time where I absolutely must get over my issue with saying "I’m a photographer".

    Happy 4th everyone! The weather here is crappy and I think we’re skipping the beach which is a big bummer. Maybe I’ll bribe the boys and take them out for some pictures…

  • i'm with the band

    The Turn @ Webster Hall, NYC


    As I mentioned before, The Turn made it into the finals of the Emergenza Battle of the Bands which was at Webster Hall last weekend. They started with 2,000 bands and there were only 13 left at the finals. While they didn’t win (which is just ridiculous- but more on that in a minute), they did come in a respectable 7th place. 7th out of 2,000– more than fairly impressive!

    I didn’t stay for the rest of the bands after the Turn’s performance,  but I can tell you that all of the bands before them really hurt my head. They were just loud. Not good. Loud. Really uncomfortably bad and loud. But hey, I’m a little partial to ‘my boys’ in the Turn. But I still say they shoulda won.

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    This is the poster on the train I sat next to on the way into the city. I thought it was a good omen.Img_5094b 

    They had soooo many friends show up at the club to watch them play. That in itself was so great to see. They have so many people who love them and support them. Got some great shots both inside and outside of the club. Just love these guys- they are the best (not only amazingly talented but just good, good people). My only dissapointment of the whole night? I so wanted a picture with all ‘my boys’. But they are like a 2nd grade field trip with a bunch of ADD kids- as soon as I turn around, half of them are gone.

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    Thanks for the ride home Uncle Bro- had a great time and looking forward to our sushi vegatable. And thanks to ‘my boys’- I had a great time and I’m really proud of you!!! And B, this one’s for you…


    And there are all sorts of interesting people in the city after dark.


    To see all of the images from the show, please click HERE.

  • children & families

    the hyl family


    That whole 6 degrees thing comes into play yet again. Never met this great family before Saturday morning’s shoot, but later that night the mom saw John and the boys at our friends son’s graduation party in a totally different town (I wasn’t there- I was in NYC shooting The Turn at Webster Hall- those pictures up next). She recognized John and the boys from the blog and introduced herself. Small world. Getting smaller by the minute!

    This family was so sweet and fun to photograph. Of course, I loved the whole three boys thing (and I even got hugs and kisses at the end!!!) and they were all so good. We had some fun with the infamous tickle finger and just exploring the park. It was dreadfully hot and so ridiculously HUMID at 9:30 in the morning, but everyone toughed it out so well. And do you think Dad could look anymore like Ray Liotta?! (except with good skin!) The littlest boy just turned one, so the shoot was concentrated a little more on him. Mom is a photographer herself and like me, is very very rarely in any of her pictures. I hope I did your family justice, L!

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    To view the rest of the images from the session, please click HERE.

  • personal

    more good music

    Went to see The Cure a few weeks ago with Robin at Madison Square Garden. The last time I saw The Cure, it was at Radio City in 1985, I was 15, and the ticket cost $17.50. Things are a little different now, but the music was the same and great! Robert Smith (the lead singer) looked and sounded just like 1985. Except I wasn’t miraculously turned back to 15. Sad, but true.

    Always an interesting story. When I arrived in NYC, I was going to meet Robin right in front of Penn Station at the Taxi stand. While I was waiting, some big carribean dude came up with a rolling suitcase, said "how’s in going, blondie?" and walked away, leaving the suitcase at the Taxi stand. Uh. Hello.

    So I went and found the nearest police officer, told him exactly that, and he rolled his eyes and told me that on the list of things he dosen’t want happening, that was pretty much at the top. Super. So he went to check out the suitcase and after a minute or two, came back and told me that there were wires poking out of the bag and that they would have to clear the area. The whole area around Penn Station!

    And then he said he was just kidding and I hit him. Yes, I hit a police officer. Not hard or anything. But I was half expecting the cuffs to come out and for me to miss the show. Anyway, there were no wires sticking out of the bag- it was just a homeless guy’s clothes. But (although I committed battery on a police officer) I did my civicpost9/11new yorkseesomethingsaysomething part. And I didn’t go to jail and got to see The Cure. It’s all good.

    Thanks Robin for the pictures! And let me know about Billy Joel Idol. Maybe I can find another unattended suitcase!

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  • children & families

    the bau family


    We really really lucked out with the weather on this one. It was raining a few miles away while we were shooting but somehow we avoided it and had great weather for the whole shoot (a lot of humidity, but no rain). We kept going back and forth on cancelling, but it couldn’t have worked out better.

    This is Jack’s teacher from part of the year back in 2nd grade (she was his assistant teacher, and moved into the head teacher position while his teacher was out on maternity leave) and we just love her. She even took my scrapbook class this year where we completed her son’s first year album. She’s great and so nice, as was the rest of the whole family. Another completely photogenic group- and those kids? Just yum!


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    Love this sibling series. I had visions of what it must have been like growing up in that house. Fun and torture!

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    Poor guy did a good face plant right into the sand. He was not happy.

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    To view all of the images from the session, please click HERE.