It’s happening.
Timmy is turning into a photographer. He’s always asking for the camera (thankfully, not for mine) and snapping away. And the first thing he says while holding it? "give me a biiiiiig smile!". That’s my boy!
And on one final photography business note…today is the last day to get the lower rates. Tommorrow, prices increase by $25.
Jack & Patrick started baseball camp today and really liked it. A bunch of their friends are doing it too which is always good. I think Patrick liked it a little more than Jack did- you know Jack and the whole running thing. Believe it or not, I didn’t take the camera (I can hear you gasping in disbelief). I am so burnt from the weekend’s shoots. I will take pix of them at baseball camp before it ends next week- but in the meantime here are some pictures (see told you I was so behind) from the end of their little league season. This was the All-Star game.
Timmy started ‘camp’ today with his best buddy, Jack. He had a great time and really liked the teacher and the class, and especially the playground and water table. Again, no camera so no pictures.
Spent the entire afternoon at the "crunchy club" in the pool (well, the kids were in the pool). It was nice. Maybe I’ll make it to the beach sometime this summer. Ya know, the beach club that I paid half of this year that I have only seen once so far this summer? Yeah, that one.
I am now 5 full shoots backlogged in the editing department. And staying up til 1am (at least) everynight does not seem to be remedying the situation. You just know how happy I am about that. For those of you waiting for your shoots, I’m going as fast as I can and will contact you the minute they are up. Okay, enough blogging. Back to editing.
the san family
This was a super fun group to shoot last weekend. Great kids (being photogenic dosen’t hurt either) and great adults too. Headed down to Pt. Lookout at sunset(ish) to play in the sand and take some pictures. We almost rescheduled as one dad/husband couldn’t be there, but we didn’t have another doable date. So here is the san family…enjoy!
Last day of school
Well, today was the last day of 3rd grade for my big big boys. Can’t believe they will be in 4th in just a few months. Seriously, 4th grade? They were just starting Kindergarten last month.
On a side note, I am so behind on all the stuff I want to blog that I decided I’m just starting with today’s stuff and working backwards. Otherwise I’d be posting the last day of school sometime in August.
Since school was only one hour today (yeah, the stupidest thing ever), Timmy and I hung out in the playground in the back of the school while the boys were inside. Jen, Jack & ‘baby’ Michael met us for a little playground fun. Blue puppy made the trip over with us.
Picked up the boys and had a look at their fabulous, outstanding report cards. Fantastic!! Really, couldn’t have asked for more (well, except Jack is still getting Improvement shown for Organization- that’s just so him) since they got almost all E’s (excellents) in everything else. I got them the new Indiana Jones Lego Wii game to celebrate. Poor Jack got sorta blindsided by both his teachers with the whole kissing thing. Needless to say, he was not happy.
So later in the day we went to the ‘crunchy club’ (Timmy’s version of the country club) for an afternoon of swimming and then home to Wii it up while Timmy and I played some board games. Then off to see the Turn at practice (see below post). All in all, a great day and a great ending to 3rd grade. Summer, here we come!
The Turn (in practice)
Let me preface this by saying that the pictures are pretty crappy and that I have officially turned into a stalker. Sorta. The Turn’s big show at Webster Hall is tommorrow at 5pm and they were practicing tonight at Brian’s. My boys were bummed that they haven’t been able to really hear them play (well, other than on the CD that is constantly playing in my car) so we took a quick ride over for a little listen and I snapped a few. I only stayed inside for a few minutes since the boys were outside (waaaaay too loud inside for them with everyone playing) so the rest of the shots were taken thru the windows of the house. I really, really looked like a stalker. So they are not great pictures but at least I got a few of their last practice before the big show.
The boys loved hearing them play and Timmy was dancing around like crazy. He said "I like Christiana the best". So guys, you have another fan now too. Unfortunately, they are too short to have their hands counted tommorrow night. And a note to the band– love you guys and I know you are going to rock the hell out of everyone tommorrow. Can’t wait for the show and to see you go to Germany! And no, I’m still not going.
Mommy, I physically fit!
Is exactly what I heard from Timmy on his second to last CATS class! They had a little physical fitness test and he came running out all excited with his little paper of achievements, yelling "mommy, I physically fit!!!!". So cute.
These pictures are from his very last CATS class- of course with his bestest buddy Jack. Timmy does a little dance (complete with "oh yeah, uh huh" song) after every single thing he does at CATS. Whether or not he actually makes the goal or basket is beside the point. You get the dance and song no matter what.
We wrapped up OT and PT today until September. We left with a daily list of things to do to keep up with therapy over the summer. Wonder if we’ll get the dance and song after each one of those activities too.
Getting their hard earned trophies. "teammate" Aidan.
Gee, you think Timmy’s a little excited about his trophy?
Here’s the fantastic Coach Eric who the boys all adored. He was a great coach, so patient and fun! So great, he gets two pictures.