• occassions & parties

    the mar communion

    Well, not the actual communion, but the dress just the same. The actual communion was a week or two before but mom wanted to capture her beautiful daughter in her beautiful dress, so that’s where I came in. Unfortunately, it was an extremely rainy day so we had to do everything inside the house. But I think we made it work regardless. Img_5549sl Img_5582sl Img_5607cbw Img_5628sl Img_5652sl Img_5663sl Img_5671mo

  • product

    more product- bcause i said so summer

    If you’ve been a blog reader for a while, you will recognize the bcause i said so line. If not, well, this is a friend of mine who started her own business along with her sister a few years ago. Kids t-shirts with the cutest sayings in fun fonts. If you’d like to check out her website and do some shopping, you can visit at: www.bcauseisaidso.com

    Here are some of her summer products. Cuter than ever!

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    The last shirts (caution: eats sand) is so true. If the boys were little now, they would be wearing these shirts everyday. When they were around 1 year old and we went to the beach, they used to suck all the salt off of the big pretzel rods and then stick them into the sand like it was delicious dip. And then eat the sand covered pretzels. Yuck. But they thought it was delicious!

    Hope everyone has a good weekend. Not sure if I’ll have time to post more on the blog til Monday night. Shoots tommorrow and Sunday, with one from this past Tuesday still to be finished on the editing. Tommorrow morning we are going to see the boys racehorse for a visit and going to get down to the beach club this weekend (hopefully more than once) to get set up for summer and hang out a little in the sand. Without eating it on pretzels.

  • weddings

    my parents wedding (part three)

    The last part. Enjoy.

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    Back in part one, I mentioned that Timmy was a real piece of work all day. He sure was. I don’t know exactly what his problem was (he usually loves attention) but the lip was in full on pout mode most of the day. The other part he spent under the table scutching. Or laughing. Totally multiple personality from one second to the next. The whole way down the aisle, he had his pout lip out and his head hanging down. So pathetic and cute. Not many good pictures of him due to pout lip.Img_5482x Img_5545x Img_5498sl 

    This was one of my favorite parts of the mansion- Private Benjamin, anyone?

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  • product

    more beaches & buckets

    A quick reshoot of one style of flip flops. Since I didn’t have the awesome rhinestone charms that go on them at the beach, I reshot them in the backyard so now you can see the full effect. Super cute with the charms, right?? You’ll see them along with all the other stuff at my party on May 30th. If you didn’t get an invite and want to come, please email me. Img_5697sl Img_5703sl Img_5713sl Img_5730sl Img_5753 Img_5736sl

    A big thanks to my great friend Jen (aka FoxyKate today) for her foot modeling! Not to mention playing with all the boys while I took some flip flop pictures. You’re the best, Jen. Had a great time today.Img_5706sl 

  • weddings

    my parents wedding (part two)

    Brace yourself for the next HUGE batch of pictures below. Lots more from the wedding (but no ceremony pictures. I asked the photographer Kathy if it would be really bad if I wore my camera down the aisle, and she said "it wouldn’t be really bad….it would be really YOU". so true, so true. But I barely restrained myself, so no ceremony pix from me). Img_5203sl Img_5213sl Img_5214cbw Img_5217sl Img_5225sl Img_5219sl Img_5235mo Img_5238sl

    While my father and brother in law piped and drummed the arriving guests inside, the boys decided they would give Uncle Joe’s drum a try. After almost 2 years of drum lessons with Jim, I have yet to hear them play on a real drum (all practicing and lessons are done on a drum pad). And let me just say…WOW! They can actually play!!! I think we are going to have to finally buy some real drums and soon.

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    The big boys as best men, made the speech. It was a big hit with everyone and they loved being up in front with all eyes and ears on them. They wrote the speech pretty much all by themselves and Patrick’s poem is all his own. Here’s what they said:

    Jack: Ladies & Gentlemen, we’ve been asked to write a speech on behalf of our grandparents. First of all I like pickles. Secondly, my brother likes them too.

    Patrick: To give advice to the newly weds, I suggest not to fight. Here’s an acrostic poem by us.

    M is for her marraige today, A is for her kindness; a very kind person, R is for her radiance in beauty, I is for her involvment with the wedding ceremony, L is for her love for Ken, Y is for yarn for the cats on her wedding day, N is for that she is newly wedded today.

    K is that he is the king of jokes, E is that he is an excellent man, N is for that he is newly wedded today.

    Both: Thank you and congratulations to Ken and Marilyn. We wish you many years of happiness. Here’s to our newlyweds.

    Jack: Cheers, Mate!

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    And then Patrick asked if he could try the champagne, so I let him.


    This is what he looked like. Not so much.

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