• weddings

    my parents wedding (part one)

    There’s gonna be about 15 parts, so I’m warning you now you will be on picture overload of the day! I am editing a little each day/night so I’ll put them up as they are finished. If you don’t see "your" picture yet, just wait a day or two- I’ll go as fast as I can.

    My parents got married (again. and finally.) this Sunday at The Bourne Mansion in Oakdale. Gorgeous location- a fabulous old mansion right on the bay. I think I’ll be moving in. The day was totally fabulous and a great, great success. There was the "do over" ceremony and a great brunch afterward. Everyone was happy (well, except for Timmy really but more on that later) and looked great. Here are a bunch from before going inside.

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  • occassions & parties

    the gup christening

    Img_5012cbw Did the pre-christening shoot for the little gup baby on Saturday (the actual christening was today and so was my parents wedding, so I couldn’t go to shoot the actual event). Met the grandparents (mom’s parents) who I just absolutely adored. They are the NICEST people, ever. Everyone is just so thrilled about this little baby who is such a miracle. I love taking pictures of her- she and her whole family are just so special. Their story is here if you don’t know what I’m talking about.

    When I walked into the house, the dress was hanging right here just for me to photograph. I love my clients. They totally get it!! Img_4726mo Img_4734sl Img_4748sl Img_4751mo Img_4763sl Img_4780sl Img_4812cbw Img_4860x Img_4883mo Img_4873x

    Did some shots at the house, some inside the cathedral, and some at my favorite arches. A little different perspective since it’s not like the 3 month old baby can stand up in the arches, so I was doing a lot of laying on the floor. The baby was not happy for a good deal of the shoot (and we really pissed her off pulling out the paci everytime she fell asleep or calmed down) but she really rallied and pulled it out at the end with some gorgeous smiles and giggles. She even got a special blessing from the bishop who we ran into by the church.

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    Grandpa, thanks for getting the bottle (even though it wasn’t put to use til after)! Hope you all love the pictures. You know the drill, the rest of the pix are in an album on the left. Click to see any image larger. 

  • personal,  product

    blurb book

    Since the whole scrapbooking thing has fallen by the wayside lately, I had to do SOMETHING to use all those 100,000 pictures I take of us a year. Ok, maybe not really 100,000 but close. So I found this super cool thing online at blurb books where you basically publish your own book. They have a zillion different templates to plop your pictures into, backgrounds, colors, designs, you name it. Plus you can use any font in your computer. So cool, creative and fun. And I got to use all my favorite pictures to boot. I pulled almost all of the journaling right off my blog which makes it so much easier.

    Here are a few shots of the book- nothing spectacular. It looks so much better in real life. The whole book is about 141 pages long. Hardcover with a dustjacket and everything. Thanks to Patrick for being my book holding helper.

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    And for a little sneak preview of my next project: a picture wall for the den. There are currently two small picture shelves there above the couch, but I wanted to do something different. Here are the frames layed out on the living room floor. I just ordered all the pictures for the frames and am waiting for them to come in. Doing a mix of black & white and color. The actual hanging is going to be umm…challenging, I think. I hope it looks as good in real life as it does in my head. Img_4725x

    Tommorrow is the wedding- getting excited. I will post pictures on that as soon as I can. The boys finished up their speeches tonight and they are all ready to go. Today I had a shoot for the gup baby- she has her christening tommorrow. I feel so bad that I can’t be there for the actual christening, but that would be a little difficult! So we got in a ton of shots today. Planning on posting those early next week. But here’s one little sneak peek until then…

  • personal

    the day (and night) from you know where

    Oh. My. God. I totally quit. Don’t wanna play anymore.

    Last night Timmy decided it would be a great idea to not sleep. Pretty much at all. The whole night. He ended up having a very busy day yesterday (Thursday). Jen and Jack watched him in the morning so I could get my hair highlighted, then we headed over to Sharon & Olivia’s for a playdate there. By the time I looked at the clock, it was almost time to get the big boys from school. So no nap, but I figured it would be okay since with the PT/OT thing, he is generally not napping on Tuesdays or Thursdays. And he slept til 8:25am Thursday morning. Wrong. By bedtime, he was a total mess, trantrums, tripping over himself. He even whacked his head on a toy and gave himself a swollen eye (yeah, thats gonna look great for the wedding pictures Sunday!). Well, he didn’t sleep last night. Just didn’t. He was up crying, schutching, whining, screaming, kicking, you name it. I don’t know why. Maybe overtired + lack of papi = no sleep? I tried everything…ignoring, comforting, holding, rocking, laying in his bed, laying in my bed, yelling, threatening, kissing…nothing!!!! So he slept for maybe 3 hrs (not consecutive either) and was just grumpier each time he woke up. But I didn’t cave and give him the papi!! Not that he asked for it, even, but it probably wouldv’e helped. He was so exhausted I think he was a little delirious! Seriously. He was SCREAMING at me things like, "I spray the flowers!", "I want my roly-poly teddy bear!" (he dosen’t have a teddy bear), "I like honey-nut cheerios!" (he dosen’t). If it wasn’t like 4am and maybe if I had actually slept for more than 15 minutes prior, it would’ve been funny. And then to top it off with the sleeping, or lack thereof, he was up for the day at 6:10am. Nope. I called the doctor’s office then to make an appointment for this morning, hoping for a good old raging ear infection. Nope again. He’s totally fine. Let the beatings commence! (okay, before you call CPS, I didn’t lay a finger on the kid). Img_4709sl 

    In the meantime, Jack decided he wasn’t going to sleep either. He was awake til 3am. Don’t know why. Neither does he. He was a whole lot of fun today too, you can imagine.Img_4703sl 

    I had a slight nervous breakdown at breakfast, being so sick of cleaning up after everyone, all the time. They all seem to think I’m the magic mommy maid. So when they all leave their crap wherever it happens to land, it will magically be cleaned up, washed, and returned to it’s proper place so that when they are looking for it 2 minutes before they are supposed to be someplace (and they only have 2 minutes because even though I asked them to be ready about 20 minutes ago, they were too busy whining and complaining and dawdling about whatever that they couldn’t get ready) it’s amazingly where it should be. I’m all done. Can’t find your (insert item here)__________? Oh, that’s really too bad. Guess you will have to play soccer with one cleat. SO DONE!!!!Img_4700sl

    Then after going out in the pouring rain to the doctor, dry cleaner, bank, gas station (which, by the way was just the cherry on the cake of my day…. $4.01 per gallon of regular? WTF?) and taking Timmy to his gym class, we come home from class and Timmy proceeds to pee all over the floor, of course getting his sneakers totally soaked with pee too. Yeah. Great, now that will be 7 loads of laundry for today (that are still sitting clean but not folded). Good times!

    The day did start to improve from there a little bit. Timmy did take a 2hr nap. I took a 20 minute nap while rocking him. I started working on one of the photo projects for the house. And, the best part…Mom & Ken brought me my two favorite dishes from the Peking Duck House in Chinatown! (crunchy greenbeans with crumbled pork & chicken with walnuts) Yum. Eating right now. And so far Timmy is sleeping. But it’s still early. 

  • personal,  school

    visitors day, japan, & projects

    Last Thursday (see, I’m a week behind…arrrggghh!) was Visitors Day at the boys school. The theme this year was It’s a small world and it was very, very cute. John couldn’t make it so my mom came along so each boy had a visitor in their classroom. They started in the gym with a Japanese story and song that they all played on their recorders. Then it was off to the classrooms (in which I had exactly 7.5 minutes each) to hear some presentations on Japan and see the haiku’s the boys wrote along with the art they made. It was a really great Japan presentation. You could totally tell how hard the whole class (and the teachers) worked on the whole thing. And both boys received HUGE compliments from their teachers on their Haiku’s. Img_4406sl Img_4408sl Img_4423sl Img_4425sl Img_4440sl Img_4443sl Img_4450sl Img_4462sl Img_4463sl Img_4466sl Img_4468sl

    Grandma took the boys out to lunch while I took Timmy to PT & OT. Even though I felt bad I couldn’t be in two places at once (I really wanted to take them out to lunch), they didn’t really seem to mind as they each ended up going with Grandma to the store and getting 5 new Kooky Pens each. And on a side note about those Kooky Pens…they have so many now, that Patrick’s backpack actually broke under the weight of all the pens hanging off the zipper today.

    In other news around here, I am working on a few photographic projects around the house. Went to HomeGoods and just about bought them out of frames. I have a project in mind for the den, living room, and timmy’s room for now. Then moving on to the boys room and our room last. Might even throw something in the dining room someplace in there too. Ya know, in all my free time! I will post pictures when each project gets moving. Maybe some before & afters.

    Getting everyone ready for the big wedding (grandma & grandpa’s) on this Sunday. It should be a whole lot of fun!