• babies

    the cil baby

    Did a photoshoot for this adorable little family last weekend. (almost caught up…just one more weekend shoot to edit!) Had a great time with them, swapping pregnancy horror stories. Their little girl is about 3 months old and just delish! And those eyes. Those huge, take it all in, sparkly, round as saucer eyes. I dare you to look at the pictures without smiling!! Img_3235sl Img_3250sl Img_3266sl Img_3271sl Img_3295sl Img_3335cbw I just love this whole series on the white fluffy stuff..Img_3361sl Img_3366cbw Img_3378sl Img_3357sl Img_3385sl Img_3398sl Img_3404cbw Img_3453sl Img_3479sl

    You smiled, right?? See I told ya. And here she is saying "i love you thiiiiiiiis much"Img_3363sl

  • personal


    With all the music stuff going on for me lately, I started thinking about all the concerts I’ve been to in my life. Came up with a mental list, but wanted to put it down so I can get it out of my head! Trying to go in order, but a lot of them were high school and I can’t remember…it’s the closest I can come…

    • The Cure (going again next month!)
    • Howard Jones
    • Psychedelic Furs
    • OMD (orchestral manuevers in the dark)
    • James Taylor (x2)
    • Beach Boys
    • Crosby, Stills & Nash (x2)
    • Janet Jackson
    • Billy Idol
    • The Cars (okay, didn’t see them in concert, but I met Rick Ocasic on the plane in college and he signed my tape. So nice! He even looked for me once we landed in NY to say bye.)
    • U2
    • The Who
    • Jimmy Cliff
    • Romeo Void
    • The 70’s Disco Explosion (KC & the sunshine band, Kool & the gang, gloria gaynor, dancing by Denny Terrio & motion!!)
    • REM
    • KC & The Sunshine Band
    • Neil Diamond
    • RuPaul
    • Van Halen (with Sammy Hagar though. Eh.)
    • Prince
    • going to see Billy Joel at Shea next month
    • and of course, The Turn

    I’m pretty sure there are others I’m missing though. Can’t find my old ticket stubs. Img_4184x

  • i'm with the band

    The Turn-studio session

    Img_4171x As promised, here are the pix from Wednesday night in the recording studio. The Turn is working on a new CD! The Turn blog on their my space page has all the details as to what’ going to be on the new album, plus some really great compliments about me!! Love those guys- not only do they totally ROCK, but they are really so nice and fun too. I had the best time in the recording studio (okay, I do have to say that it is just hysterical that I was in the recording studio–who is it exactly that I think I am??!) and it was a whole interesting new world for me. To see how much work goes into it- I never knew. Brian said they were in the studio for something like 120+ hours to record the 30 minutes of music on the first CD. Wow! George- the owner and engineer of the recording studio (called General Studios by the way) was so sweet and such a nice, nice guy. He apologized for the lighting (which worked fine anyway) and was so kind in answering all my questions about how things worked. He even tried explaining how the recording process worked on the computer and I kinda figured out that it was sorta like photoshop (layers) except for music instead of pictures.Img_4175x Img_4192x Img_4199x Img_4202x Img_4210pr64 Img_4227x Img_4234x Img_4270x Img_4291x Img_4144x Img_4275cbw Img_4295x Img_4342x Img_4333sc Img_4374x Img_4377x Img_4388sc Img_4208cbw Img_4401pr68_2 

    The guys did some work on a bunch of their new songs (including Silhouettes, Billie Jean, Christiana, and Not to Worry– see, I pay attention) and I snapped away. Little bits and pieces of different things in each song. It seems that they were having an unspoken contest on who had the goofiest face. I think Pat won. Although, don’t I look so attractive in my earphones? Not a good look for me. At all.  Img_4218x  Img_4315cbw

  • personal


    Just feeling a little fried today. I know there are still a few of you out there waiting for your pictures, and I am working on them. I am aiming to have them all up and posted by the end of the weekend. I hope.

    Things around here have been totally nuts. I purposely took this week off from shoots to try and catch up and catch my breath. So far, that’s not been happening. The Turn guys called and asked if I would shoot them while they were in the recording studio (more on that another day soon), and you know how I just love them- so I couldn’t say no. And I’m so glad I didn’t. Awesome pictures to follow soon (such a tease, I know). Today was out of control. It was Visitors Day at the big boys school and Timmy had PT and OT today so I was running all over the place trying to be with everyone at once. I still need a clone. Grandma was a total savior today- running interference and taking the big boys out to lunch. Again, more on that later with pictures, of course.

    And since a post is worthless without pictures, here are two from yesterday. My niece (aka photographic protege) needed some help with a photography class project so we headed over to the park for a few shots. She took the hanging one of Timmy (in his new old school Star Wars tshirt  -love!!) and quickly snapped the other of the boys.Img_4133sl  Img_4061x

  • personal

    some handsomeness

    Finally getting around to posting some pictures of the boys from two weeks ago. You’ll be seeing us getting LOTS of use out of the new blazers and shirts over the next few weeks…Mothers Day brunch at the club on Sunday and then grandma & grandpa’s wedding the following Sunday. Already getting our money’s worth.

    It was a good thing I took these pictures when I did, cause very soon after, they were all COVERED in tomato sauce! I must make it to the dry cleaners before Sunday!Img_1927sl Img_1931sl Img_1935sl Img_1945cbw Img_1966sl Img_1969sl Img_1983cbw Img_1995sl

    Above, Jack looking all presidential. Below, giving the hairy eyeball. Ahhh, just like daddy. Img_1996x_2 Img_1999sl Img_2003sl Img_2008sl