• bsquared business

    New prices

    Ok, I know I said I was going to post this on 5/1, but I got it done today so I’m just going ahead with it now. So, it gives you 2 months plus 3 extra bonus days to book a shoot at the current prices! If you are planning on booking a session with me, IF you book before 7/1/08, the prices will remain as is. The shoot itself dosen’t have to be before 7/1, just the booking. And if you already have a shoot booked with me (or you are on the growing up squared plan), you are already locked in at the price you were quoted on the confirmation email.

    So here they are. Not too much different, all shoots are increasing $25.00 and the only other difference is that I will now require a $100 non-refundable deposit when booking parties (the deposit is only for parties/events, no deposits needed for regular photoshoots).This info will be a permanent post on the blog on the left side under Pages: Pricing.

    And thanks again to everyone for making bsquared photography take OFF!

    My fees:

    Family & Child Session………………..$150 (if you book before 7/1, $125)

    • immediate family only (parents, children, pets).
    • no limit on clothing changes.
    • location of your choosing. however, a travel fee may be applied for longer distances.
    • sessions generally last from one to one and a half hours. please allow two hours for a newborn session.
    • larger groups always welcome. please contact me at bbeyrer1@optonline.net for large group fees.

    Parties & Events……………………$250 (if you book before 7/1, $225)

    • two hours of shooting time which can be broken up as you’d like (ie. for a communion, I can come to the church for mass, church for portraits, to the party for reception shots, or any combination)
    • I am available for longer parties as well. please contact me at bbeyrer1@optonline.net to discuss fees.
    • a $100 non-refundable deposit is due upon booking of your party or event.

    Mini-sessions (available October-December ONLY)…………………….$100

    • mini-sessions are available for holiday card photos
    • immediate family only. no changes of clothing, please.
    • forty-five minutes of shooting time.
    • locations must be local. no beach shoots.
    • a $10 custom holiday card credit is included in fee.

    Weddings………………prices are determined on an individual basis

    Holiday Cards– custom designed photo holiday cards are available. Please visit my Holiday Cards page for more details.

    Prints and Discs:

    Once your photos are up on the blog and you make your final selections (you may choose as many or as few pictures as you’d like), each picture will be uploaded to Rockville Camera. One 4×6 print of each picture will be printed for you at $.39 each. In addition, all of the photos you choose will be burned to a high-resolution disc at $9.99. You will then own the "digital negatives" for life, and you are welcome to make any copies or enlargements of the photos. While I highly recommend making those enlargements at Rockville Camera (their quality is outstanding), you may do so wherever you choose since the disc is yours. Rockville Camera will also ship your pictures and disc to you if needed. 

  • children & families

    the but family

    Had the opportunity to do a shoot for this fantastically sweet family this past week. And let me tell you not only how NICE they are (Mom sent me a great thank you email after the shoot– before even seeing the pictures!) but how much I just LOVED their little boy. Omg, what a cutie pie. Smiley, happy, even ran to me with outstreched arms for me to hold him! And held my hand to go to different parts of the park. Love! I have so many favorites, (yeah, I know, again) that I don’t know which ones to post. Just look at those sparkly little eyes and tell me you don’t love him a little too!Img_1148sl Img_1122sl Img_1121sl Img_1142mo Img_1151sl Img_1195mo

    Dosen’t hurt that they are a good looking bunch either.Img_1216sl Img_1249sl Img_1262sl Img_1297cbw Img_1296sl 

  • bsquared business

    It’s all in the numbers…

    4 8 15 16 23 42 (nah, not those numbers. That was a LOST reference for you non Losties out there). But these numbers….

    70 -shoots in 2007 for the whole year

    52 -shoots booked and in the can so far this year (and it’s only April)

    6 -the number of full masses this (sorta) Jew has sat thru over the last few weeks between communions and weddings. Oy vey. Img_9028sl Img_9029sl

    5- the nights I am going to be out this week.

    4- how many shoots are waiting to be edited

    2- the time (as in 2am) that I have gone to bed in the last week and a half. Gotta cut that out. It’s killing me slowly.

    1- the date in May where I am planning to redo my pricing structure for the remainder of the year. Don’t panic- those of you who have already booked a session with me will be paying the current prices. And I will give a 2 month window to book by (July 1st) for the current prices as well. Plus, the price increase isn’t big by any means. Just need to cover additional expenses.

    Off to edit. Have a great night and a productive Monday!

  • occassions & parties

    the con communion

    We interrupt your regularly scheduled wedding to bring you the con communion shoot (we will resume with wedding programming next week).

    This lovely (and beachy) family was referred to me by one of my previous and also fabulous clients. Such a cute, close knit family. The little girl is making her communion this week so we cheated a little and did the shoot this week. She was just gorgeous. And we had a beautiful day for this shoot- it was even a little hot out! Dad ended up taking half a day off work for the pictures, so he couldn’t hate me too much cause he ended up with a day off on a gorgeous day. Anything positive to point out to the dads/husbands to make them hate me a little less is a good thing. You know the list of dads/husbands that hate me is lOOOOOOng.

    It was soooooo bright on the beach, it was a real challenge to take pictures with everyone’s eyes open and not squinting. Plus the fact that there were quite a few bees and bugs which were freaking out the kids. The beach is sometimes a difficult place to shoot. I think I managed a few though. I told Mom that she reminded me of a celebrity (to which she said that everyone thinks she looks like Sarah Jessica Parker)– but I say Holly Hunter. Especially with her little sweet voice. Really, they were all so nice. And the boy couldn’t have been more polite. So, without further delay, the con family. Img_0968sl Img_0978sl Img_0997sl Img_1010cbw Img_1016sl Img_1032sl Img_1039sl Img_1049sl Img_1056sl Img_1065sl Img_1068cbw Img_1076cbw Img_1089sl Img_1104sl Img_1029sl

  • weddings

    the gil wedding- part three {portraits}

    Ok, I know every time I post a batch of pictures from the wedding, I say they are my favorite. But, this time I really mean it. Really. No. Really!!!Img_9946sl

    I had a great feeling about these pictures when I was taking them. They were exactly what I had pictured in my head (love it when that happens). But when I got them on the computer and started editing them…oh. my. god. Dream pictures!!! Even got some awesome sunflare in the one in front of the restaurant (do you have any idea how hard that is for me to capture!?). Adore this whole group. Again, dosen’t hurt that the bride couldn’t be more photogenic and that the groom was very tolerant of me and my camera- and although he’d rather not take any, he dosen’t seem to take a bad picture either! And while I know they were windblown down on the beach ones, I think it just makes them more sexy and natural.  Img_9938sl Img_9933sl Img_9941sl Img_9976sl Img_9985sl

    Img_9998sl Img_9980cbw Img_0008sl Img_0022sl Thanks to everyone at the wedding for the big giant group picture. I know it was cold and blowy on the dock, but it came out so great. Thanks for your patience and smiles!Img_9954sl Img_9965x

    And can I just say that I love that this couple was so up for whatever I suggested. Walking thru the middle of town and posing in doorways- LOVE THEM! Sorry about the sand in your shoes and the climbing on things. But it was worth it…dontcha think?Img_0331sl Img_0356sl Img_0348sl Img_0359sl