• weddings

    the gil wedding- part two {the ceremony}

    Really, just a beautiful ceremony. The priest who did the mass was just so COOL (I didn’t know priests could be so cool and religious at the same time!)- just check out his shoes! The whole ceremony was so personal, so funny, so moving, so great. I was honored to be there, really. All that and I got to take lots of pictures. So hard to choose my favorites (yet again). Here are a few:

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  • weddings

    the gil wedding- part one {getting ready}

    Here we go…

    I’ve only started editing the wedding, but I’ll put up sections as they are completed. No need torturing the bride by making her wait til the whole thing is done, cause that will be a while. So here is the first part- getting ready. I met the bride and maid of honor at the the grooms house (he was getting ready at his parents) where I was so excited about the bright light in there. Not to mention the perfect setting across the street, the grey couch, the quiet middle of the street for more pictures…

    The bride was exceedingly calm (if it was a front, it was a great one Melissa) and put together. And, I think I didn’t take one bad picture of her the entire day. She couldn’t have been more photogenic if she tried! See…Img_9625sl

    Here are some of my favorites from this section (so hard to choose), including some dress and shoe shots. Even some feet. You know how I have to have my feet!! All of the pictures from part one are in an album on the left. Click any image to see it bigger. And speaking of bigger, how much do we LOVE the new blog with the larger format pictures!!??

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  • personal

    another day with friends

    is why I love vacation. All the boys are off this week from school for Spring Break and we are making the most of it with visits. Today my friend Sharon came over with her two kids- Miss O who is Timmy’s best girl (O says Timmy’s gonna marry her with a "marrying ring" but he disagrees most of the time. Dosen’t mean he loves her less though) and little Mr. G. He’s getting so big! My boys were ALL OVER HIM (sorry Sharon) but only with love. Timmy was reading books to him, Jack & Patrick were squishin him up with lovin. Poor kid.

    Took a few quick shots of him on the way out in his carseat today (mostly cause Sharon has admitted to not really taking many pictures of him- WHAT!!??). And I got the first smile caught on camera! Woohoo! A cutie pie for sure, this one. Img_0955sl Img_0959sl_2 Img_0961sl Img_0957sl

    Then spent part of the afternoon at the beach with Jen and her two boys. It was so gorgeous out (like 80 degrees) and we had a great time. And to top it all off… Greys was on and so was LOST! And LOST rocked tonight. Holy crap- that’s a great show. And I love that it’s on at 10 now- makes life much easier and I’m not throwing the boys in bed and running downstairs. Can’t wait til next week to see what happens.

  • personal,  travel

    another day outeast {this time, with friends}

    Img_0805sl_2 I invited my friend Jen and her two boys to join us for the day outeast on Tuesday. There were a bunch of locations that I wanted to go back to see (read: to take pictures of the boys in) so I thought it would be fun if we all went. Jen is even more anal than I am (hard to believe, I know. But I think that’s one of the reasons we get along SO well), but she broke out of her schedule and we spent the whole day out there. And boy(s), we had lots of fun. (Jack & Patrick get photo credits of the pix of Jen & me, and the ones of Timmy & me). Img_0810sl_2  

    Left home around 10 and made it to the easthouse around 11:15. I didn’t have a key, so really it was just someplace to stop. We went to the park across the street for about 1/2 an hour. Love that they have the old kind of carousel at the park– I think it might be the only one around still. I tried so hard to get Patrick up in the tree for some pictures but we couldn’t do it. He’s so heavy and everytime I lifted him, he started laughing, so I started laughing and had to drop him. Good thing it’s all sand on the ground. Img_0733sl_2 Img_0746sl_2 Img_0748sl Img_0749sl Img_0755sl Img_0759sl Img_0760sl Img_0761sl Jack wasn’t happy with me "putting his life at risk" making him take a picture in the middle of the street. Nevermind that a car only comes by once every hour or so.  

    Img_0774x Drove from the park out to Greenport and had lunch at the Coronet- my favorite luncheonette. It’s a total throwback to the 50’s/60’s which I just LOVE. Not only was the food delish, but I decided to order a chocolate milkshake. Oh. My. God. It was melted chocolate icecream in a cup. Fantastic! The boys decided they had to have one too and not only finished off theirs, but mine too! I thought their heads were going to implode from trying to get the milkshake up the straw.Img_0768sl Img_0771sl Img_0777sl Img_0778x 

    After lunch we walked around Greenport and of course made a stop in the toystore where they sell all kinds of rubberduckies. Everyone got a few. We went for a ride on the carousel and I even caught a ring for Timmy. He liked that a lot. It was an absolutely gorgeous day so we walked out onto the "lawn" area for some more running and jumping.Img_0784sl Img_0789x Img_0793sl Img_0809sl Img_0823sl Img_0826sl Img_0827sl Img_0834x Img_0841sl Img_0842sl Img_0845x Img_0856sl Img_0862x A little "stroller derby".

    We then headed to the eastbeach for some sightseeing and rock throwing. Img_0866sl Img_0867sl Img_0869sl Img_0876x Img_0878sl Img_0884x Img_0888x Img_0894x Img_0899x Img_0903sl Img_0907x Img_0890x Patrick even found a ladybug on the jetty, but it must’ve been a really smart bug cause it flew away before Timmy could "pop it". All was perfect UNTIL….Michael (Jen’s smallest one) decided it would be a good idea to go IN the water. And I mean in (under). Poor kid was in total shock from the freezing cold water and I saw Jen fly in after him. He was fine once he had some dry clothes on. Crazy man! Jen left after that. We stuck around for a little longer and then drove by the easthouse to use the "peepee tree" to have a potty break. All the boys did. Funny!Img_0910cbw

    Hit a farm on the way home- couldn’t resist the red barn. And the chairs. I had to munch pretzels the whole way home so I didn’t fall asleep at the wheel. And Timmy didn’t nap at all the whole day!Img_0913sl Img_0914sl Img_0926sltx Img_0930pr Img_0930sl Img_0935x Img_0939sl Img_0941sl Img_0943cbw Img_0943sl Img_0944pr 

    All the boys were so great the whole day and told me they had so much fun and can’t wait to do it again. And when I asked Timmy what his favorite part of the day was, he said….the peepee tree! Such a boy.

  • personal

    please stand by.

    changing some stuff here on the blog so please be patient til tommorrow when I should have all the kinks worked out (i hope). I had to upgrade to a larger server! Thanks for your patience.