the lam family
This was the far out east shoot on Sunday. A really nice and really fun family who were (mostly) game for pictures and tresspassing. Although their backyard was huge and beautiful, I found this great path on their next door neighbors property (clearly marked by a no trespassing sign) that I just knew would be great for pictures. And it was. So we all climbed thru the bushes and started in, ignoring the sign completely.
The two middle kids (the little girl with the curly hair and the little boy with the blonde hair) were not having much fun with me no matter what tricks I tried. She would rather just keep running, moving, and showing off her new pink crocs. And the poor little boy was just getting out of the hospital and kept saying "no doctor" to me. Nothing we did could convince him that I was NOT a doctor. But I did manage to sneak a few in when they were otherwise engaged. And the other little boy (in blue shirt) was having a fabulous time trying to run me over with his John Deere tractor. I escaped with my life and feet and with a few great shots, too. Ha! The baby was just delicious and so easy. We woke her up out of a deep sleep putting her on a blanket in the middle of the path. She just rolled over, looked up and started smiling!
The pictures are a surprise for the grandma/mom for Mothers Day. Apparently the dad/grandpa called in with a "mooning’ picture request so I did my best to get a few of those too.
I had a great time and hope you love the pictures. Everything is in an album on the left.
Outeast on Sunday
I had a shoot Sunday late afternoon far out on the island, so we decided to make a day of it and all go out. Ended up being a really good idea. Got a much later start than we had wanted (yes, my fault since I didn’t wake up for good til around 10am) but did make it out eventually. The boys had great TV face on the way out watching Ratatoille. Hit the outlets on the way and bought a dress for mom & ken’s wedding in May, bought a few sweaters and pretty accessories too. And boat shoes for the big boys that will actually fit. Then headed over to the easthouse to drop off all the boys so I could drive back 45 min to the shoot. Uneventful, right? Wrong.
On the way to the easthouse we saw two things we have never seen. One, a deer. Two, that deer getting whacked by a car while said deer was running across the North road (all 4 lanes). Well, he did make it over two, but met his flipping in the air demise on the 3rd lane. Bummer. And so crazy to see. Especially considering it was like 2 in the afternoon. I thought they only came out around dusk and after. The thing FLEW up into the air. We didn’t really see the aftermath at the time, but as I was driving back to the shoot, I saw the EMS people removing people from the deer car on stretchers. I hope everyone was okay. I guess those deer can do some pretty serious damage. The big boys were torn between saying it was cool and sad. Cause it was both. The most ironic part is that I NEVER see wildlife when it is actually "life", only when it’s dead on the side of the road. So the one time I finally see a deer (never before alive in all the time we’ve been going outeast-like 9 or so years) alive, he’s not for long.
The boys played outside like crazy at the easthouse while I did my shoot. No park, just baseball, football, & soccer in the yard. As soon as I got back, we left for dinner at The Elbow Room- our most favorite steak restaurant (sorry, Nel). Their marinated steak is just beyond yum. And the rolls. And the broccoli & cauliflower poppers. And the soup. Jack ate an ENTIRE marinated adult size porterhouse steak all by himself. Seriously.
And on the way to dinner, I spotted the most awesomest truck. So I made John loop around the block (you know how totally thrilled he was about that!) so I could take pictures of the boys on it. And it’s for sale. I want!!!
And I know I’m biased, but just look at those gorgeous boys! Even without teeth, they are so handsome.
a sorta seder
You know how we do the Jewish holidays half-assed around here. Well, passover was no exception. But I think we were maybe quarter-assed even this year. Last year, I did try to make the Seder plate but I didn’t have all of the stuff to put on it. So we really winged it. Really. I put a stuffed sheep in for the lamb shank and printed pictures of other stuff off the internet and cut it out and put it on the plate. We never follow the haggadah, just talk about the parts we like (like the plagues).
This year we didn’t even DO a seder plate. In my defense, I did shoot a wedding all day and just wasn’t up to cutting and pasting on the internet. Grandma cooked (so that takes care of her cooking til 2009) a delicious brisket with gush (potatoes, carrots & peas). Grandpa told the story of passover with Timmy’s help on the frog plague part. He loves that part! And we put out a glass of wine and left the front door open for Elijah. Timmy was very proud and happy to use his Matzah cover that he made at school- which he’d rather wear on his head. Jack found the afficomin (the matzah hidden around the house) and both big boys got $1.
So, "why is this night different from all other nights?"- Grandma cooked and we had matzah with dinner, and Grandma has one Jewish grandson. Happy Passover.
The Turn- in concert {at Molloy 4-17}
My first ever live concert that I was "press" for!! I was asked by my new favorite band to come take some pictures at their show last week and it was so fun! I posted on the blog earlier how much they ROCKED IT and they really, really did. I think they totally have the stuff to make it. And when that happens, I’ll be on tour with the band (yeah, right. I’d like to think I’d be, but I’m not in the movie almost famous! Still have 3 kids to take care of. But I can dream, right!?)
I’m going to have to remember to bring earplugs for the next show. I love the music but being literally ON TOP of those huge speakers isn’t so great for your hearing. Gotta turn down the volume somehow. The lighting for the show sucked (for me) but I figured out how to work it pretty well. Some dramatic shots in there with backlighting look pretty rock n roll to me. And I found out that it is HARD to photograph the drummer- between him being so far back in no lighting and the constant motion, he turned out to be my biggest challenge.
They were so great "in concert", opening up for Big Shot who is a Billy Joel cover band. Some of my rock n roll favorites:
okay, just one last post for today.
Timmy’s new thing- whenever he sings a song, no matter what song it is, he ends it with "boop". Right now, his favorites to sing include:
- fish heads
- the pirates song (disney)
- bingo
He hasn’t been sleeping well for whatever 3 year old reason, so right now he is working on hour 3 of his nap. I should probably wake him up soon, but the in the peace I’m getting so much work done. We went for a walk into town today (and of course he had to bring some planet heroes with) and he lost Shiver. Of all the ones to lose, that’s the worst cause it’s the most expensive and hardest to find. I even took the car out to backtrack and find it, but no luck. Luckily, grandma’s on the case on ebay and found another one. But in the meantime, he’s not happy that Shiver is missing. Therefore, me neither.
The big boys had a sleepover at Grandma & Grandpa’s last night, so it was pretty quiet here for most of the morning (hence the walk). They had a great time again– but how could they not with having a computer each!