• occassions & parties

    the mck communion

    Finishing up this past weekend’s communions. Another family you may recognize from pictures last year. Sat thru a whole mass (and boy, it was looooonng) for these shots and hit my new most favorite location for communion pictures. So far, no one else has found it and I haven’t had to fight for space. I am hoping it will stay that way for a few more weeks until I’m done shooting communions. So if you are reading this and going to that church for communion…stay out of my spot!! Just kidding. Kinda. Img_7543x Img_7573sl Img_7578cbw Img_7594x Img_7614sl Img_7636mo Img_7655sl Img_7663sl Img_7608sl

  • occassions & parties

    the jah communion

    My first of two Sunday communions. This little boy is not only the cutest, most cooperative kid…if he was faking his smiles, I couldn’t tell. He even got to bring up the gifts during mass. I was able to catch some of those shots, but you have to be really careful in the church cause they don’t want you out of your seat. Being the Jew in church is bad enough- I don’t need to be in more trouble! Although I have made friends with one of the communion directors cause I’m seeing her multiple times every weekend. And she knows my boys from religion and from their communion last year. So at least I have a little bit of an "in" there. One more communion from the weekend to edit and then another 3 coming up this weekend. Love the communion boys crazy uncles. Don’t we all have some like that? More to come soon…Img_7289x_filtered Img_7318cbw_filtered Img_7337sl Img_7347sl Img_7358mo Img_7393sl Img_7412sl Img_7422sl Img_7444x_filtered Img_7370cbw

  • baseball,  personal


    Nope, not for me. But the big boys were invited to a bowling party last weekend for a friend in their grade. They had a GREAT time…especially since Jack broke 100 with a final score of 117. He was pretty pleased with himself about that. The boys have very interesting "form" while bowling. No one can tell them that the body english dosen’t help the ball go the way they want.  Here are some from that party:Img_6324sl Img_6326sl Img_6330sl Img_6331sl Img_6333sl Img_6338sl Img_6339sl Img_6341sl Img_6342sl Img_6355sl Img_6364sl Img_6365sl Img_6368sl Img_6377x

    Img_6382x And since they had so much fun, they have been asking to go bowling again. So I took them and Timmy this afternoon after the 2 communions I shot. Exhausted much? But they had a great time- although Jack was pretty disapointed that he didn’t break 100 again. Timmy did, though! He had a 107. (okay, so I bowled a few frames for him at the end, but he honestly did better than I did with two spares!) That ramp thingy is a great invention. Patrick was bowling so hard, that once his ball flew into the lane next to ours and once he knocked down the bumpers! But he did well, almost beating his top ever score (in the 70’s). Img_7702sl Img_7703sl Img_7711sl Img_7712sl Img_7719sl Img_7725sl Img_7730sl Img_7727e 

  • occassions & parties

    the cle communion

    Saturday I got to shoot the cle family communion. Another family you may recognize from holiday time. They were as sweet and welcoming as always (although the mom kept trying to send me home..but I wouldn’t leave til I got all the shots I wanted!) and the kids were so great. Very easy going and so easy to photograph. Of course it dosen’t hurt that they are so gorgeous either!Img_6828mo Img_6858sl Img_6874sl Img_6898cbw Img_6906sl Img_6957mo This one is my favorite, I think. Such a model!Img_6967sl Img_6997cbwImg_7015sl Img_7031sl

  • occassions & parties

    the loc communion

    And so communion season begins. I am very booked up with at least two communions (usually more) every weekend between now and the first weekend in May. Going to try my best to stay on top of the pictures, but if it takes a little longer to get them posted, I apologize in advance.

    This little girl was so lovely in her dress, but I felt so bad for her as it was pretty freezing outside. She was a real trooper and didn’t complain. We ran into some unexpected stuff going on in the church so we only had a few brief minutes to get in, take pictures, and get out. Most of them were done outside. I do love the ones of her in the church though…especially the ones where she looks like she’s glowing in the middle of the aisle. Like an angel. Img_6170sl Img_6194sl Img_6211sl Img_6219sl Img_6236mo Img_6275x Img_6290mo Img_6315sl