• weddings

    The nur wedding- part 4 {the reception}

    Receptionmosaic Finally, the very last part of the wedding. I had so much fun editing all of the pictures and I’m almost sad I’m done! The reception shots were definitely more relaxed than the rest as the stressful parts were over, everyone was becoming more "lubricated", and it was time to have some fun. I think there was quite a lot of fun!Img_2023sl Img_2050x Img_2230x Img_2256mo Img_2277x Img_2285x Img_4012cbw

  • i'm with the band

    Introducing…The Turn

    My first ever band shoot! So much fun, too! Three great guys who have a really rockin band called The Turn. They are local and are branching out. Even starting to play some shows in NYC. I got a copy of their CD "Long Story Short" and they are really good. Listened to it the whole time I was editing the pictures. Here’s a link to their website so you can listen to a little of their music RockTheTurn. They are playing a bunch of upcoming dates around Long Island,so go Img_5134acid see them if you canImg_5156cbw Img_5171sl Img_5177sl Img_5220cbw Img_5253mo Img_5263sl Img_5271acid Img_5267cbw Img_5296pr46 :

    • April 5th   7:30pm   Molloy College   Battle of the Bands
    • April 17th  7:30pm  Molloy College   Opening for "Big Shot" (billy joel cover band)
    • April 27th  10-12am  Hofstra University    Max Kolb Telethon
  • personal

    And the mystery illness is…

    Fifth’s Disease! No, not lymphoma (well, at least not at this time anyway). The doctor called this morning with the test results. I am Parvovirus 15 positive. At least it explains everything- the enlarged lymph nodes, the low grade fever, the all over rash, the red cheeks, and now the very swollen and very arthritic joints (especially, hands, wrists, and knees). And as a bonus, I can expect to enjoy the arthritis aspect for another 3 or so weeks. Fabulous! So thank you to everyone who sent good (non-lymphoma) vibes my way. It worked! I can honestly say that the whole thing scared the crap out of me. And where I picked up Fifths from….NO IDEA.

    I did far, far too much today so I am going to be paying for it tommorrow. Three shoots coming up this weekend, not including the one from today. Took Timmy to the park twice today- once this morning with his best buddy, Jack, and once this afternoon while the big boys had soccer practice. The two of them are already wise to my tricks to try to get them to look at the camera. So they just won’t look. Some shots from the first park trip:Img_4995sl Img_4994sl Img_5004sl Img_4998sl Img_5005sl Img_5003sl Img_5009sl Img_5010sl Img_5011sl Img_5016sl Img_5020sl Img_5024sl Img_5036sl

    Then Timmy had Cats where HE played soccer:Img_5038sl Img_5049sl Img_5052sl

    And so it begins…soccer season has officially (almost) started.Img_5064sl Img_5057sl Img_5065sl  Img_5054sl The first practice today with a lot of out of shape boys! A few of the kids from their team dropped out over the winter, so they should be getting more field time this season. The official start is in two weeks. Baseball too. We’re gonna be busy! There are at least some hints of green now- not everything is completely brown and grey anymore. Spring might actually come. I wish I had brought my telephoto lens for some pictures of the boys on the field. These were as good as I could get. And while the big boys practiced, Timmy and I hit the playground (again). Done with pictures yet?? No? Me neither!Img_5071sl Img_5073sl Img_5075sl Img_5080sl Img_5094sl Img_5099sl

  • babies

    the mcd baby

    My third and final shoot from last weekend, at last. This baby was such a smiley little thing- which was especially surprising since he’s only just a month old! I don’t think I’ve ever seen social smiles (and believe me, they for sure were social smiles- not gas) in a baby this little. And when he smiled, it was really kinda heart melting! His parents said they have never seen him this awake for this long in his short life. And this baby just had the best eye contact! He was forever looking right at me. He and I really hit it off and were fast friends! Dad, as most dads, wasn’t so excited by the whole photoshoot prospect, but I think he liked me more after the Mets pictures. Img_4560sl Img_4595sl Img_4632sl Img_4659cbw Img_4799sl Img_4830sl Img_4845sl

  • personal

    good boys & sickness update

    First, I am a lucky mommy. I had parent/teacher conferences today and the boys are doing soooooo great. Really excelling at school (some shameless bragging coming up- you’ve been warned- so stop reading now if you are not into that) in everyway. I was told that not only are they so super smart, but that they both have the market cornered on "thinking outside the box" which impressed their teachers to no end in 3rd grade. They have lots of friends in class and are just doing super overall. Jack’s teacher (my almost Aunt) has funny stories for me all the time about the things he said during the day, and Patrick’s teacher told me how upset she’s going to be next year when he leaves her. They both apparently keep their teachers on their toes and constantly surprise them with the "wise beyond their years" things they say. YEAH!!! Img_4150sl A little brotherly love for ya. Jack was fatting out on the couch and didn’t want to be bothered with pictures.

    As for my illness update…I have a new diagnosis for myself. I’m off the lymphoma kick (well, for the most part anyway) and now think I have Fifths Disease. Which is just a virus, ends eventually with no lasting issues. So that would be much better than lymphoma. I have all the symptoms and I’m thinking the rash wasn’t a reaction to the steroids, but the Fifths rash cause my cheeks got that crazy red. Went back to the doctor today and he really liked my diagnosis- he said that he was planning on testing me for that anyway. So he took another 4 big vials of blood (so I’ll have lymphoma, Fifths, and be anemic!!) and will test for Fifths among a few other inflamatory illnesses. The rash is totally gone now but my hands, wrists and knees are all kinds of swollen and arthritic feeling. They really hurt. So we’ll see on Saturday what it is I have. I am hoping for a concrete answer. He’s testing for Lupus and other auto immune diseases too, since I already have Raynaud’s syndrome. More medical fun…woohoo!