the nur wedding- part 3 {the ceremony}
Managed to finish up this section tonight-yippee!! The mother of the groom MADE the huppa entirely by hand. Isn’t it so beautiful??!!Loved photographing the emotion during the ceremony- so real and heartfelt. The way the parents teared up, the way the groom looked at his bride, the way the bride held on tight to the groom. The kiss (and hug). The whole happy (and freezing) wedding party. We did manage few shots outside right after the ceremony but it was very shortlived as it was sooooo cold out there. But they were all troopers and didn’t complain. And even though I was only halfway listening, I ADORED the stories the bride and groom both wrote to be shared during the ceremony about why they love eachother. So awesome. It’s not easy taking pictures while you are trying not to cry!
the bur baby- 1st birthday shoot
Can I just say that I love this little one. This is my second time doing her pictures, and I have 3 more shoots guaranteed with them this year (they did the "growing up squared" plan with me). She is so packed full of personality and just so super cute! And she really knows how to work her parents!! So I sent them away (thanks for hiding all over the house you guys)and spent some time with her and we got some great shots. Funny, but same exact dress as the other little one year old girl I did pictures for last month! Even down to the same little birthday cake clip. To top off a great shoot, not only are the pictures I took for them last year ALL over the house,
this house has such phenomenal light- I want to rent it out as studio space!
Isn’t she such a doll? So super dainty and delicate.
I’m feeling like total crap still. Rash is still there (but I took some Benadryl so it’s better than it was) but my hands are all swollen, all my joints ache and I have a low fever. Back to the doctor tommorrow. After parent-teacher conferences first.
new books & the hic family
First, news from around here. Went to the bookstore today to restock some reading material for the boys. And $175 later…we are the owners of:
- Diary of A Wimpy Kid (two volumes)
- The Boy who Saved Baseball
- The Lightning Thief
- Dooby Dooby Moo (loved the whole Click Clack Moo series)
- Duck
- Toy Boat
- Diary of a Fly
- Diary of a Spider (we already own Diary of a Worm and loved that one)
- Charlie Hits it Big
- Captain Flinn and the Pirate Dinosaurs
Looking forward to hours of enjoyment with these. Thank god these boys all love to read. And as much as I don’t want to spend that kind of $, I feel like I can kinda justify it spending it on books. Kinda.
We met Timmy’s BFF Jack with his mom and little brother at the bookstore.
Always good to see friends. Jen is very good at "talking me down". And after waking up this morning with a horrible red rash ALL OVER my body, I am in great need of talking down. Its slightly itchy but it definitely has the potential to become excruciatingly itchy- it’s moving that way. The doctor seems to think it’s a reaction to either the steriods or the Prevacid he gave me on Friday. So now no more steroids. For those of you following my (crazy hypocondriac) lymph node saga, they are now much less swollen, but unfortunately still there. I am still totally freaking out that I have lymphoma ("you don’t have lymphoma!"). The doctor said my bloodwork came back with nothing out of the ordinary- still waiting on some results tommorrow. I hate this. Really.
Business…For those of you waiting for your pictures (the other two shoots from Saturday and the rest of the wedding) I am working on it and hope to have them up by the end of this week. The wedding may be a little longer but soon, promise.
Had my first shoot of the day on Saturday with the hic family who came to me by way of a referral from a Christmas shoot family. If you are reading this T, thank you! They were so nice with great, sweet photogenic kids. The baby wasn’t so thrilled most of the time, but I did manage to sneak in a few good shots when he wasn’t paying attention. Mom wanted to include her (pregnant) belly cast and some breastfeeding shots during the shoot. It was a first for me and I really enjoyed it. All pictures in an album on the left, click any image on the blog to see it bigger. Hope you love them.
Happy, yummy Easter!!
We had such a great day today. John got the big boys up super early to get them to the 8am mass. Timmy and I stayed in bed until around 8:30 (I would’ve stayed longer but he wanted his "brekwest" so up I was). The boys got a new Wii game from the Easter Bunny (Mario v. Sonic Olympic Games), and two Kooky Pens each, along with some chocolate bunnies from grandma. Timmy got a new Planet Hero (Yuri) and was loving the chocolate and new toy.Oh, and the kid’s got great taste in chocolate. He literally spit out the "cheap chocolate" mini easter bunnies, and would only eat the expensive, hand dipped mini bunnies. Yeah, that’s my boy!
Spent the rest of the morning baking brownies and paper bag cookies with some helpers. They were particularly helpful when it came time to licking the brownie bowl.
Headed over to Grandma & Grandpa’s for dinner with the family around 4:00 and we were having such a great time we stayed til 9! The food was fantastic (lots of pasta and chicken) as was the company. The boys were worried that they wouldn’t have fun cause their cousins weren’t going to be there but they muddled thru and spent a lot of time talking with Grandpa Jack. And wrestling with Uncle Joe.
It was a great Easter. And I got some great shots of my very handsome boys- I’m happy. Even took a few self portraits with Timmy.
the nur wedding- part two
The bridal lounge. So far, my favorite bunch. But I guess thats kinda unfair to say since every time I edit another batch, I get new favorites! I just LOVE the bride & groom portraits- especially in the moca finish. They just look so classic- like out of the 1940’s or something.
The whole wedding party (including all the parents) were just so good looking, they were so easy to shoot. Had to get some of my favorite candids in there too. The kids were also adorable and were pretty cooperative, especially considering the age range.
I know it’s kinda photo overload on this post, but there are so many good ones, I couldn’t decide! They are all in an album on the left as usual. Click on any image to see it larger. Hope you are all enjoying them. On to editing the ceremony next.