• personal

    Happy {almost} Easter

    Img_4119sl Some pictures from our egg dying adventures Thursday. All the boys are off school until Tuesday, so we’ve beem trying to fit in a project a day. Yesterday, we went to see Horton Hears a Who which was very cute. I love that Timmy will sit for a whole movie! But I don’t love that it costs me almost $50 to take my three kids to the movies (including snacks). What a total rip off. Img_4110x Img_4113sl Img_4117sl

    Img_4120sl Img_4128sl Img_4132sl Img_4121sl Img_4138sl Img_4147sl We are planning to head over to the book store on Monday. The big boys are running low on reading material so we are going to look for something new.Img_4098x Img_4100x 

    Had three shoots today and still working on editing the wedding. I hate being behind! But with the amount of shoots I have booked over the next month alone, I think I had better get used to it!

  • weddings

    The Nur wedding- Part One

    Ok, here we go. Finally, the first images from the HUGE wedding we shot on this past Sunday. These are just the first bunch, from the bridal suite. The first time we saw the bride, the dress, the first time the bride saw herself all ready, and the first time the groom saw the bride. The bridal suite album is on the left and contains all the full sized images. Personally, loved the bride’s choice of footwear before getting ready! Mosaic_suite Img_1175x

  • personal,  school

    What are you waiting for….Purim???

    Img_4054sl The above must be said in your very best Yiddish intonation. And for my many non-jewish friends out there, the correct pronounciation of Purim is Purrrr-im (purr like a cat purrs), not pure-im. The what are you waiting for thing is John’s favorite and pretty much only Jewish saying. He likes to say it a lot. My mother is thrilled that she has one Jewish grandchild (he’s not really, it’s just that his school is in a temple and they observe all the Jewish holidays). So they had a big Purim party at Timmy’s school. Here’s an overload of pictures- but they were all so cute, I couldn’t decide which ones to leave out.

    Timmy loved the story of Purim and was the only one in the class to remember all the names of the people in the story. He is wearing his Hayman hat, shaking his groger (a noisemaker), and LOVED saying BOOOO whenever Hayman’s name is mentioned. Uch, such a punim (that means what a face).Img_4058sl Img_4070sl  Img_4033sl Img_4037sl Img_4038sl Img_4043sl Img_4050sl

  • children & families

    the rote family (again)

    Did a shoot on Saturday for the "rote" family. You might remember them from around the holidays. The baby is getting so big. Such a smiley little one (and really, not so little! He’s about 8 months old and wearing 12-24mo’s!) Their older boy is a basketball fanatic and is really good. The dribbling was very impressive! Since he’s so into basketball, that had to be reflected in the pictures for sure. Dad was not happy about the whole picture thing- as most dads seem to feel about me- but I got a pretty positive review in the end from him as being "relatively painless". Works for me! And mom is a woman of infinite patience. I’m not sure how she manages that all the time, but she does. Img_0744sl Img_0773sl Img_0796sl Img_0802cbw Img_0866sl Img_0888sl Img_0936cbw Img_0965sl Img_0980sl Img_1011sl This one is probably my favorite from the session. One kid crying, one kid squeezing mom’s nose, and mom can’t do anything but laugh cause that’s just her life. Img_0943cbw

  • bsquared business,  personal

    So much to tell…so little time

    and feeling like I got hit by a truck (a really BIG truck) dosen’t help with the blogging. The truck feeling is because I shot a wedding yesterday along with my friend Beth. I was up on furniture, carrying two cameras around my neck at all times, laying down on the floor. I’m popping Motrin like they’re Pez today. More on that in a few minutes…

    The big boys had a big weekend. Their first sleepover ever! At Grandma & Grandpa’s apartment. They had a fantastic time. Patrick was a little nervous in going, but after assuring him I could make the long, arduous 15 block trip to come and get him if needed, he was a little better. (As a complimentary story… right now Patrick dosen’t want to go away for college. He dosen’t want to leave home. Awww. Gotta love that. I’m not so sure that sentiment will last though, but I sure am enjoying it now!) They packed up their suitcase and went to Grandma & Grandpa’s, played on the two computers (so no one had to wait for a turn- heaven for them!), got Chinese take out, tortured the cats, watched TV, read Harry Potter with Grandma, stayed up until midnight, and had an all over great time. They want to know when they can do it again. And being that I never, ever had only one child at a time at home, it was really nice here too. John and I took Timmy out to dinner with Uncle Nelson and then hit Carvel for dessert (don’t worry, the big boys didn’t get jipped on the ice cream- they got Carvel too!). It was so strange walking past their empty bedroom Saturday night and Sunday morning. Very quiet. Very odd. And I think Timmy enjoyed being the only child for a while.Img_1038sl_3 Img_1040sl Img_1043sl 

    Potty training is proceeding well! We now have had two entirely dry days and two days where he actually told me (that is a HUGE deal) that he had to go potty where he pooped. IN THE POTTY! TWO TIMES!!Woohoo!! So we’ve been running back and forth to toy stores and ordering online (yeah, $155’s worth) so we have plenty of Planet Heroes for bribes. Whatever it takes. I think soon we will switch over to a sticker reward system, so after going 3 times (and increasing if he keeps doing well) he can get a Planet Hero with his stickers.Img_0171x

    The boys got their report cards and we are SO SUPER proud of them. They were amazing! The comments were all so, so positive- about how they contribute so much to their classes, how they are well liked, how they are making "excellent academic progress". Just so proud of these boys. They are working hard, but honestly, not all that hard. They are really very smart and have a ridiculous memory. And Patrick is apparently very good at math. So not my kid (right, Maureen??!!). So that’s how the whole college thing got started. I told them that if they kept up this kind of work that they could pretty much pick their college (please god, with scholorships!). Jack said he wants to go to Boston College now. I had better start booking LOTS of photoshoots!

    I had a shoot on Saturday for the rote family. I know you are waiting A, and they should all be up on the blog later tonight or tommorrow. Just finishing them up.

    So yesterday was the wedding. The BIG wedding. And wow! I don’t know how "real" photographers do that every weekend (sometimes more than once a wknd). I don’t think I’ll be doing it again anytime soon. Maybe limit myself to one big wedding a year. Small, intimate weddings I can handle, but this was a whole ‘nother level. The stress level (all totally self induced) was just ridiculous. I had a doctor write me a "security blanket" prescription for anti-vomiting medicine (I was just so scared I would get a stomach virus and be in the bathroom instead of shooting the wedding!), I had nightmares the night before that I forgot how to use my camera and that I was just standing there watching the wedding and forgetting to take pictures. Nothing like waking up in a full body sweat with panic.

    At any rate, beyond all that I think it went REALLY well. The bride and groom couldn’t have been any nicer (same goes for the rest of the wedding party, the parents, and the guests) and they were so super complimentary– and they haven’t even seen the pictures yet! I just hope they are happy with the results. They were great, easy, and good looking subjects – my favorite kind. Unfortunately, we didn’t get a lot of outside shots cause the weather was uncooperative and it was cold. But we did go out for a few after the ceremony which made me happy. You know how I love my natural light. I worked my butt off (so did Beth) and I had a great time doing it! It was really a lot of fun and I’m really pleased with the initial results. 4 cameras, 5 flashcards, and approximately 1700 pictures later I have everything downloaded off the cards and into the computer. Backed up the computer too. So now I have to return all the cameras to their rightful owners (thanks Sharon for the loan! and for the job!–the bride is Sharon’s good friend). Now the editing begins and I am really hoping to get the pictures up by next weekend. Hoping, but it might be longer. 1700 pictures is a lot to go thru. Thinking about doing a mosaic preview to post on the blog. Maybe later this week- we’ll see.Img_1053sl Img_3475sl 

    And I have about 400 of my own pictures to get organized an in albums. That’s tonight’s project during scrapbook class. Oh, and I actually scrapbooked a few pages the other day. Still a year behind though.Img_0082x  Img_0083x