• beach,  children & families,  senior sessions

    the burberry princess is a senior!

    If you’ve been a longtime bsquared follower, you’ll definitely remember the “burberry princess”. I shot her first birthday party and I’ve been photographing her ever since- 16 years!!! Click here to see some of our old shoots. Always in burberry, until she grew out of her parents deciding her outfits. But then I still put her (with baaaaad photoshop) in burberry and begged her to bring anything burberry to her senior session. A bow, a bag, a sweater, anything. They were so good to me and Katie threw on a burberry scarf just for me/for old times. She’s grown up to be such a lovely, smart, amazing girl (I had no doubt she would be!) and I cannot wait to see what she chooses for college and beyond. She told me I definitely get to photograph her wedding someday. Could you even imagine? (do you think she’d wear a burberry wedding dress??)

  • children & families

    the hus family {aka the burberry princess}

    My zillionth year photographing this favorite bsquared family. Can you even believe how big the burberry princess has grown? Another great session in Central Park for them. Miss K pretty much runs the show, telling me what she wants for her pictures and I’m more than happy to just follow along. The gazebo is a special place for them- it’s where mom told dad he was going to be a dad!! How in all the years I’ve been photographing them that never came up?! So we had to grab a few shots there too. Hope to see you all again next year (and there has to be burberry!!)


  • children & families

    the hus family (aka the burberry princess)

    I’ve lost count how many times I’ve been lucky enough to photograph these awesome people. Our biggest challenge is finding new places to shoot in Central Park (since I’m in the same area for mini sessions we can’t go too far before the next session!). I’m always so happy to see my favorite burberry princess (I always say it, but the year she doesn’t wear burberry, I’ll be crushed!) We always have a little jumping at some point during the session at her request and this year was no exception. Can’t believe how big she’s getting!

  • children & families

    the hus family {aka the burberry princess}

    One of my most longtime, favorite families to photograph and they never disappoint. The year that Miss K shows up in something other than burberry, my heart will break just a little. She is the burberry princess of Central Park. Love watching her grow up over the years and chatting with her awesome parents for our little bit of time together every year.

  • children & families

    the hus family (aka the burberry princess)

    My zillionth or so time photographing this amazingly awesome little family from NYC. I’ve heard that little miss (who is now a Kindergartener !!!) is maybe starting to rebel against the burberry outfits for our annual shoots, so I told her that I would resort to paying her (in candy, toys or money) if she promises to continue to wear something burberry every year. I can’t imagine her in anything else. Even if it’s just a scarf or a bow or something. And in my mind, this is all she wears all the other days of the year too. You can see some of their past sessions here, here, here and here.

    We encountered a change in the weather from sunny and cool to flat out raining and chilly. Everytime it started raining more heavily, all I could say to mom was “this isn’t happening”. But it was. We just barely made it thru our session before it got worse, but I’m so happy they all gutted it out. I mean look at this face!


    Something so Londony about the pic on the left. Not that I’ve ever been there.